I’m all about floor-furniture like the kotatsu, a 14th-century invention used in many Japanese homes all winter. It’s like the floor-oriented table often associated with Japanese homes, but with the added convenience of a heater and blanket. Sometimes I have daydreams about how awesome it would be to have one of these suckers. SO WARM. So cozy. None of the crampy discomfort of a western-style desk!
I’ve got a little floor-desk of my own going on, and this IKEA hack came just in time for me to play with.

With two Lack tables, a small heater, and a nice padded blanket I could be ON MY WAY to no longer bundling up to work. And maybe then I’ll hack up an accompanying zaisu.
Nice! Very simple and cool. I wish I had an IKEA by me!
SO warm and toasty! I would love one of these, and I have a feeling that my cats would love it too.
I would make sure that whatever heating element you use has a safety cut off. All the kotatsu in Japan have these so you don’t accidentally burn your house down!
I’ve been plotting out how to build a kotatsu for over a year; my Japanese professor in college even invited me to her house to take pictures of hers! Now, with this tutorial and with those pictures….I HAVE THE POWER!!!!!
*ahem* Thank you. 🙂
Here is another step by step for building one (using the LACK table), if you decide to buy a proper Japanese heater (around $80 on ebay!)
A kotatsu was one of my favorite things about living in Japan. (Along with heated toilet seats, the trains, and generally being a rock star to my students.) Just want to mention that it’s not a good idea to fall asleep under one, tempting though it may be. Leg burns aren’t fun.
I can’t believe I had never seen this post until now. Life = changed.
You can use the seat part of an Ikea VÅGSBERG swivel chair, or the child sized Ikea JULES junior desk chair shell as a cost effective Ikea zaisu: http://astrobeano.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/ikea-zaisu-kotatsu-floor-chairs.html