Stephanie sent me a link that tickled my practical bone: this is an outlet plate that makes your outlets at least 50% more useful, I think: this one includes a USB charger!
You might have other electronics you could charge by plugging directly into the wall, but I know I’d be happy to never lose that blasted iPhone charging brick again. I can keep hold of the cord itself, but never those little blocks.
USB charger outlet, $26 on Amazon.
Kindles have that type of cord too, usb with the wall plug thingy ontop, we already have a reg Kindle and wanna get a Fire soon so that’d be awesome! 😀
My android has that kind of charger too. I use my Kindle charger for my phone but lose my extra for work all the time. I’m going to be sneaky and replace an outlet at work.
Keep in mind that USB outlets are a lot thicker depth-wise than regular outlets. Make sure you know how deep your electrical junction box is before you buy the outlets. Another option is a plug-in adapter like this: http://rcaaudiovideo.com/power/chargingstations/?sku=WP2UWR. You lose one standard outlet, but get 2 USB charging outlets.
Keep in mind that USB outlets are a lot thicker depth-wise than regular outlets. Make sure you know how deep your electrical junction box is before you buy the outlets. Another option is a plug-in adapter like this: http://rcaaudiovideo.com/power/chargingstations/?sku=WP2UWR. You lose one standard outlet, but get 2 USB charging outlets.
We should move in together, because I have LOADS of the bricks and NONE of the cords.
That really sucks because on their own the bricks are useless XD But yeah, I’ve collected so many useless charger-halves that don’t work without their significant other.
Just lost my brick today. For the eight millionth time (and fourth replacement). UGH. This is getting ordered NOW.