Category Archive


Two lesbians raised a baby and this is what they got

Several of you have sent in this video of nineteen-year-old Zach Wahls, who was raised by two women alongside his biological sister (they share the same donor). Zach addressed the Iowa House of Representatives in February 2011. While we linked to the video last May, it’s definitely worth a repeat mention.

I am moving into this video

This over-the-top adorabz video from Japan’s PonPonPon makes me start scheming a blue striped room and having my own special toy corner encrusted with My Little Ponies, rainbow tutus, enormous eye balls, pink brains, and other sparky things.

A guide to making your family videos even more awesome

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably realised that, while you’re great at capturing all those special moments, you have no idea what you’re going to do with the gigabytes and gigabytes of memories you have piling up on your hard drives. Let’s face it — you’re almost matching a second childhood just in digital files!

Vegan Black Metal Chef shreds your MIND with pad thai

I fully support the black metalizing of every day tasks. This is a legit recipe. Get out your fucking metal knife and get to it. CRUSH THOSE PEANUTS.

What happens when your family video goes viral

I woke up on Monday to find a ton of emails in my inbox from YouTube letting me know that people were commenting on my video “Leisurely Lunch.” What? The video had over 3,000 hits. Again, what?!

Competitive rabbit hopping: Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down!

I have very little commentary to add to this video, other than to say that 10-year-old rabbit 4-Her that still lives inside me is VERY excited.

Belly dancing + pregnancy = awesome

Have you ever considered learning to belly dance — while PREGNANT? These women show you it’s not as hard as you might think.

Having THE TALK: When will you introduce your kids to Star Wars?

You know THE TALK is coming someday, and here’s a handy-dandy “Talking to your kids about Star Wars” video to help you out.