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Stomach tattoo + pregnancy = ???

“I’m pregnant! …but what about my tattoo?” Ok, this was not my first thought, but as a bellydancer, it was an unavoidable one.

How to find the perfect midwife or OBGYN for your birth

You have mentioned the necessity of finding a health practitioner you trust and feel a connection with. Do you have any tips for how to go about this? Are there particular questions you recommend asking to help “screen” potential midwives and doctors? Any responses that should trigger a warning? The very first step is to […]

Underwater at 8 months pregnant

“While trying to stay in shape (yeah, right!), keep working, and let out some creative energy while pregnant with baby #4, I decided it was time to move my work into the ocean.”

When I fell in love with my daughter

I thought it would be like falling in love with a man, where you got a rush and butterflies in your stomach; I thought I would moon over her and love would sweep me off my feet. It never happened that way.

I had a horrible pregnancy, and I can’t wait to try again!

A lot of women I know talk about having the perfect pregnancy, the perfect birth, the perfect baby. I was one of them. In the beginning of my pregnancy, everything WAS perfect. I was healthy, my growing baby boy was healthy, my hubby, Devin, was amazing, our families were thrilled, friends were ecstatic, life couldn’t […]

3 lessons for an awesome offbeat baby shower

When you have a feminist husband, he will micro-manage the baby shower. Dre has prickly sensitivities about gender issues, and impending parenthood has only brought those into sharper focus. We would of course have a co-ed baby shower, but Andreas got upset when people called it “Ariel’s shower.”

Steampunk maternity fashion

Who says the last month has to be about tent-shirts and sweatpants? At 8.5 months pregnant, Dominianne is fully rocking her hand-crafted Steampunk maternity wear. For another couple shots of this amazing outfit, keep reading! HOTNESS!

A Harry Potter-inspired maternity session

Gwyneth Colleen sent this shoot over and it’s packed with lovely shots of this family. What struck me about the shoot was the poses they came up with.

Even though the family is dressed low-key, these poses they came up with and shot with Gwyneth make the shots unique and fun to look at.