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10 things I’ve learned from having a chronically ill cat

When we first took our cat Princess in, her old owners said she had mild muscle spasms, but they were nothing to worry about. We discovered less than a week later that her muscle spasms were actually seizures. Over the past four years my wife and I have learned a lot from this journey with Princess. These are the top ten things we’ve learned…

Help! My cat won’t stop waking me up stupid EARLY

I have had my cat, Maya, for five years, and I love her to pieces… 23 hours a day. That other hour, though, I want to chuck her across my bedroom and accompany her flight with a loud string of expletives. She used to wake me up around six for breakfast which was fine. But now she starts at 5, or 3, or 1 effing 30 in the morning, picking at whatever might be lying around, and singing the song of her people.

An open letter to the Sir Catspian shower curtain

Oh hai, Sir Catspian shower curtain! I just met you and I’m in love with you. Maybe it’s your suit of armor, or the fact that you’re riding a freaking narwhal like a horsie. Or perhaps it’s just the expression of pure (purr?) joy on your face…

What are your favorite ways to fight fleas once they’ve found your pets?

We’re recent transplants to Austin, Texas and boy-oh-boy are the fleas some resilient little fuckers down here. I’ve always given monthly flea/tick spot treatments to my cat and my dog, but that doesn’t do the trick here like it did in colder, dryer climates. There’s lots of information on how to prevent flea infestation, but what to do once you’ve got ’em?

Cat lady gifts to make you feel like your litter box has been filled with sparkly rainbows!

Remember when we featured cat-themed home decor for the cat-obsessed? And you all know how much I love gift guides? Then you can probably guess how I feel about this “Fashionable Feline” gift guide.

Help calm my tits about traveling with a pet overseas

I’m looking for some advice. My husband and I are moving to Sweden at the end of the month from Seattle. We are taking our giant cat Hax0r with us. He is too heavy to fly in the cabin, and will have to go under the plane as cargo. Sadly, all I can find online are horror stories about lost or injured pets. Have you ever traveled overseas with your fur baby? What advice would you give?

Readying yourself for life with multiple cats (and other pets) in a small space

My fiancé, Derek, and I recently settled down into a cozy little apartment. The first big decision we made in our new home was to open our doors to cats. Our apartment is great, but it’s also pretty cozy (read: small), so we had to make some adjustments to accommodate the new members of our little household. Here’s what we found works for us. Some of this information is cat-specific, but a lot of it applies more broadly to keeping any mix of pets in a small apartment together, like multiple dogs, ferrets, or bunnies…

How to prevent foster animal burn-out

Helping rescue animals is addictive. But when you think about how many animals there are that still need help, and how few there are of you, it’s easy to start over-extending yourself. Consider this post your guide to avoiding dogaholics/cataholics anonymous and ending up on Animal Hoarders.