Remember when we featured cat-themed home decor for the cat-obsessed? And you remember all my gift guides, right? Well, I thought about doing a cat lady gift guide, but (as one of our Homies pointed out recently) my shit gets WEIRD — like, even weirder than the idea of finding rainbow sparkly cat poop in your litter box for Christmas. My gift ideas are more like a towel printed with an image of a mustachioed cat, wearing a suit, and an eye patch. But what if your cat lady leanings are less surreal and more so fancy?
Well, I shall direct you to a more chic cat lady gift guide: 10 Fashionable Feline items over on Yahoo! (It was written in honor of National Cat Day, but I totally think it works perfectly for a holiday gift guide.)
If you’re shopping for your favorite cat lady, or if you’re a cat lady who’s shopping for yourself, you’re going to want to see these feline finds…

There are big ticket items like a designer Kate Spade purse, but also super-affordable things like a kitty earring set. Oh! And you’ll definitely want to scroll to the bottom to see the most fashionable cat ears EVAR.
For the cat lovers and the lovers of cat lovers, click over to see the glitter kitty gifts.
Cat-shaped purses, a “hang in there” poster, Lil Bub anything… What are you gifting your favorite cat lady?
Well that sure beats the worm I saw in the litter box yesterday.
I have actually drooled over the Charlotte Olympia cat shoes more than once. But alas, find that this list is definitely for those with luxury in mind, save for the cat earrings.
I do have another question–how does one show their cat love as you get older? I admit–I’m 42 years old and have a large Build-A-Bear Hello Kitty on my bed. But showing my cat love in a professional environment isn’t as easy when you don’t have the spare $400 for beautiful sweaters (which I’d be all over, if it was 10% that price and in synthetic since I’m allergic to wool and other hairs!). And I’m beyond the leopard print, etc. I love the cat silhouettes on sweaters (but haven’t found an affordable one that wasn’t a crop top or crazy expensive), have multiple cat tattoos, cat socks, but would love to know of any places where you have found work-appropriate, not too crazy cat lady but cool (dare I say hipster?) middle-aged cat lover clothing.
I have my eye on things like this, but I really hate buying clothing online:
Try http://www.modcloth.com they always have fun/funky things, many with a retro flair 🙂
I knew the folks here would come through for me! I had checked modcloth years ago but shied away from prices but now they seem to be more reasonable…Meowy Catmas to me! 🙂
Try these earrings: https://www.etsy.com/nz/listing/198807451/lasercut-cat-earrings?ref=shop_home_active_7
I has a pair, and they’re super-cute while being sophisticated and subtle.
I’m not a cat person (dogs!) but I do like cat clothes. I’m dying for these shoes on modcloth.com
or these
Plus, they’re TUK shoes so I know they’re good quality, totally worth $60.
“… all content and opinions expressed here are ours, obviously because Yahoo probably isn’t into sparkly rainbow cat poop.” I mean, they do own Tumblr now, so who knows?
One of the things that has always struck me as interesting is that there’s never a shortage of “stuff” FOR dogs and there’s never a shortage of cat “stuff” FOR cat owners. I can pretty easily find stores devoted to stuff for pampering dogs, but I’ve never seen a store full of cat shampoo, cat strollers, cat clothes, etc. Surely there must be other crazy cat ladies who would rather have fancy homemade cat treats shaped like birthday cakes than a pillow with a cat on it?
I… can’t even… $765 for sunglasses?!
Wow. Alright. Very cute ideas, but I think I would be making cheaper alternatives if I actually needed gifts for any of my crazy cat ladies/gentlemen.
I want to point out that the Nasty Gal site they recommend the earrings from is a known scam type site. People regularly dont receive items, receive items that are different than the ones they paid for, or are of such poor quality they arent even worth the cheap price you paid.
Oh man. This page is SO broken on my phone. The images are HUGELY broken. As in, they don’t scale to the size of the text so in order to see the whole picture the text column takes up a little less that half of the horizontal space of my phone screen.
But only when I hold my iPhone 5s using Safari in portrait mode. Flipping it to landscape fixes the issue, but then I have that giant social media floaty bar thing taking up 1/4 of my screen.