Do you have a geek in your life that you need prezzies for? You’re in luck! Geeks are easy to shop for because we’re total geeks and get excited over the most ridiculous shit. Take this unicorn pencil sharpener. It’s, like, $6, but just WATCH your geek’s eyes widen with unashamed joy… over a pencil sharpener. Seriously, we’re easy.
But if you’re still struggling to find that perfect geeky gift, no worries — I GOT YOU! Here’s Megan’s guide to gifts for geeky girls and boys alike.
So you can’t give someone the gift of a real lightsaber… yet. But you CAN gift a lightsaber flashlight!
Lemme tell you, NERF guns = awesome gifts. And not just for nerds. I brought a bunch to my Nerdy 30 birthday party and watched all my “cool guy” friends act like 12-year-olds the moment they got their hands on these guns. NERF guns for all!
I’m not saying that nerds like guns or anything, but when a certain awesome wedding planner gifted me this potato gun, my eyes lit up and many potatoes have been sacrificed for fun since that moment.

It can be challenging to find the right gifts for your family. But if they're Potterphiles? Then it gets super-duper easy. We may all be... Read more
Shhhh, don’t tell that guy I married, but I totally got him this Mini Theremin Kit! It’s perfect for music nerds.
It’s not enough that geeks get their drink on; we gotta do it in true nerd fashion. That’s why this Scientific Chemistry Cocktail Set for Drink Mixing is the coolest thing ever.
When Ariel needed to find a gift for our server tech, I sent her in the direction of this shark mug. Techies love coffee, and dudes love sharks, so it’s the perfect gift. In fact… EVERYONE loves sharks. Y’all should check out this shark home goods roundup for more gift ideas.
LEGO is always a win for geeks. And these LEGO Limited Edition Moleskine Notebooks are useful and come with building bricks. Hell yeah. (Psst: You can also get ’em a Hobbit-themed Moleskine!)
Okay, so you don’t have the patience or the skills to make your own Dungeons & Dragons chocolate dice. Don’t fret: now you can just purchase them for your favorite sweet geek. Psst: you can also make your own Tetris chocolates, too.
I bought this Star Wars lunch tin and sandwich cutter combo as a Christmas gift for myself last year and it’s one of my favorite things. Well, THREE of my favorite things. You may recognize those sandwich shapes back in my cooking challenge days. I’m telling you, sandwiches taste better when they’re shaped like the Millenium Falcon.
Fact you may not be aware of: geeks love puzzles. They also love Doctor Who. They also love art. That’s why the Doctor Who Exploding Tardis jigsaw puzzle is too awesome for words. For other Doctor Who-related goodies, head over here to get something perfect for the Whovian in your life.
Something for the girly geeks in your life. The 8-bit hair bow. I want one!
Geeks also love dinosaurs. Get them one or all of these dino-tastic things:
- Diner-saurs Tea Towel
- Dino Might Necklace in Bronze Brontosaurus
- T-Rex tea infuser
- Dinosaur salt and pepper shaker
- Great Vocab Didn’t Save the Thesaurus from Extinction mug
I have two words that’ll make winter far more cuddly and cute: Hobbit slippers!
I found out about the wooden catapult and trebuchet kits because one of you awesome geeks bought it from my Think Geek affiliate account. Excellent gift idea!
Triple C makes these fashionable cell phone battery chargers that will get any Apple fanboy’s heart racing.
Not only are these robot salt and pepper shakers, but they’re functional wind-up toys! Coolest table top accessories EVER.
Take it from my friends and me — the Game of Thrones board game is all kinds of fun.
But now I want to take it from you and your friends. What are YOUR go-to gifts for the geeks in your life?
These are great ideas! I shall check them out. is unbeatable for nerdy shirts. That’s for some reason all I can think of… shameful nerd that I am. >.<
Muaha! I just pinned the robot salt shakers so I won’t forget to get them for my husband! Only $10, not bad!
Nya! This stuff is awesome. I love the shark mug and the chemistry cocktail set. ^_^
You might not be able to get a geek a “real” lightsaber, but these are pretty close:
The blades are “combat ready” so you can hit things with them. Husband and I have scared the dogs with way too many lightsaber battles.
They aren’t cheap, though (at least, not if you add sound).
I must get that mini-theremin for my music-teaching husband. He has always wanted to play a theremin and a trombone simultaneously (using the trombone slide to play the theremin). Alas, they are currently out of stock 🙁
Gah why is none of this awesome stuff available in the UK! Boo. I’d totally get the chemistry cocktail set for my husband and the shark mug for my mom.
Gah why is none of this awesome stuff available in the UK! Boo. I’d totally get the chemistry cocktail set for my husband and the shark mug for my mom.
Whoops it kept saying comment failed :/
The Maverick Nerf gun pictured above is a popular choice amongst Steampunks who like to mod them.
Can we get a gift guide for maker/DIY friends? I’m having a hard time conjuring gift ideas for family and friends who like to sew, bake, knit, cosplay, etc, beyond just gift cards.