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Pop Culture

Government-sponsored zombie preparedness literature

Whatever it takes to get the word out, Centers for Disease Control. Following up on the popularity of their May 2011 zombie preparedness blog, the CDC released a zombie apocalypse novella this month. OMG, the CDC is worried about zombies?!

How to get costumes for cheap-as-free

National Costume Swap Day!!!!!!!

…Which I had never heard of before this year, but isn’t it a brilliant idea? People around the world organize swaps and bring in totes of clothes, masks, wigs, shoes, and paint, and also “shop” for their own costume goods.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year: TV Is back

If I’ve seemed a little more chipper lately, it’s because it is an exciting time of year. It is the beginning of the 2011-12 television season.

Other blogs tell you the must-have designer home trends. Today, I want to present you with my curated fall line up of often-overlooked shows I think Homies will dig. Come, let us gather in the warm glow of our teeveeeeees.

DAMN FINE paintings, prints, and samplers pay tribute to Twin Peaks with art

Let’s talk Twin Peaks! Its murky, cloudy, I’m-not-quite-sure-what’s-around-the-bend atmosphere also makes Twin Peaks ripe for the sort of fan art you can enjoy on your walls for a really long time. So let’s shop some.

AVAST! Three ways to gird yeself for Talk Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy, buckos! If you haven’t heard, today be Talk Like a Pirate Day — worldwide. For your edification, here be three ways t’ add a little Captain t’ your day with pirate-y music and swashbuckling decor.

Scott Pilgrim cross-stitch: I’m in lesbians with you!

I just finished my partner’s Valentine’s Day gift and, well, it’s pretty nerdtastic. I thought it would be a good share for anyone who’s a fan of One of his favorite movies of all time is Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

Add more than 20 Home-related accounts to your Twitter

Tweeple! Tweeps! Twitterers! If you’re looking for curated people for you to follow, look no further! Here’s my list of home-related Twitter accounts the Homies might find value in, including the Empire crew, helpful tip-givers, and a cat who photographs his life.

How black-and-white stag movies changed a tomboy’s feelings on sensuality

While I’m super secure in my gender identity, I came out of growing up an only child/daddy’s girl as an irrepressible tomboy. I may have grown my hair long and learned to walk in heels, but I’ve never known quite what to do with…sexiness? Sensuality? I don’t do that.