Category Archive


There’s a place for everything, and everything in its place… yes, even THAT.

Create a rustic shelf on the cheap and easy

A little while ago I introduced you to some awesome rustic-style shelving units. One smarty-pants Offbeat Homie Meg mentioned that she turned a shower caddy into the much cheaper version of ModCloth’s vintage-inspired shelf. Here’s how…

What do you do with all your reusable shopping bags?

I love my reusable shopping bags, and I even have some from travels around the world. But! What do I do with this mass of bags? Any cool ideas for organizing re-usable shopping bags? Have you figured out a way to keep them neat?

Use antlers to hold your necklaces

Offbeat Homie Kayla made this necklace holder from a set of antlers that her dad had. But not without giving it a jewelry-pretty make-over…

Set digital reminders to use your coupons

I was organizing my coupons today and getting rid of ones that have expired and making a mental note to use the ones that were going to expire soon. Except with me, “mental note” always translates to: “Oops, I totally forgot about that thing I was supposed to be making a mental note of.”

Then I had a baskets moment: why not set a reminder to use said coupons before their expiration date?

Get beerganized: How we easily organized our home brew kit

Craft brewing is awesome. You know what we DON’T love? The mess! Brewing at home takes up a ton of space, and between the equipment, utensils, and ingredients, it can start to take over your whole house! Here’s how we organized our home brew equipment to make everything easy to see and easy to take with us!

Super-crafty DIY bathroom storage “basket moments”

I got the rare email from my dad that just read “Megan, your readers might like some of these suggestions. Dad.” Underneath was a link to The Family Handyman with some the coolest “baskets moments” to happen in the history of bathroom storage.

Help! My bedroom is overrun by bras

Underwear easily rolls/folds and fits into the drawers I have. But I can’t figure out how to economically stuff 20 or more bras into a drawer and make them accessible. I can’t be the only bra hoarder. What do you do with clothes (but seriously bras!) when you don’t have a lot of closet space or existing furniture?

Repurpose a fancy tea box as DIY tie holders

I received a gift of a fancy assortment of green teas in a lovely wooden box, and I was just itching to figure out a great way to repurpose it. I loved that it already had dividers inside, making it a great little organizer. My hubby’s tie collection was a mess, so I decided to give it a whirl.