Dorms, apartments, houses — I’ve seen doormats at them all. They greet our friends, catch our stuff, and clean our shoes — but it’s damn hard to find a good one. I’ve collected this lot of sarcastic, handmade, and just plain weird doormats to fill the needs of Offbeat Homies.
Have to kick off the list with my own doormat!

Got any doormats on your wishlist? Share those links!
The one from the Onion definitely graces my wishlist.
Loving the nerd mat! And the reminder mat! Hmmmmmm must look to this stenciling of door mats….to Google *whoosh*
Our last name is Slaughter (I’m newly married) and our friend promised to get us one (written in a nice script) that says, “Welcome to the Slaughter House”–can’t wait!
Just remember: You can’t spell Slaughter, without laughter!
Just steer clear of anything that sends the message of “Welcome.” It gives vampires carte blanche on your dwelling.
(Thanks, Buffy!)
O snap! Good point.
Saw one the other day that said “Come Back With A Warrant”
Some really cute/funny ones from a Canadian store (Mortimer Snodgrass):
I rather like the whining about being a doormat. I also think the “Beware of Kids” one is hilarious. 🙂
Hehe, we shop at the same places 😉
Sadly, this link no longer works, and, as of 2014, the store is closed (per their facebook page:
And my personal favourites: Sewer Mats! (Made from recycled fabric but now discontinued by the manufacturer 🙁 )
San Francisco:
New York:
We like our Float Rope mat- it’s similar to the nautical one, but it also helps to get lobster trap float rope out of the ocean, and comes in cool colors!
For a while Target was selling a “come back with a warrant” doormat I was seriously coveting. Don’t know if they still are.
if they’re not, amazon has it in two styles 🙂
I get that it’s the Onion and all, but yikes, that would be a bad choice in my city where gentrification is a real issue and tensions are often high, and where race is always a part of the conversation. The doormat rubs me the wrong way. (I know, I know, the Onion, but still.) (Also, a doormat + rubbing me the wrong way = unintentional pun)
I love the Keys/Wallet/Phone one!
Mostly agree…except for the “GO AWAY” one. 🙁 We have a neighbor whose property is overgrown with a fire-prone invasive plant (scotch broom) has one of those. He doesn’t usually live on the property, but we didn’t know that. All we wanted was to know if it was okay that we cut the plants back a few feet from the road to reduce the fire danger (there’s only one road out of our neighborhood). Being greeted by silence and a mat that says “GO AWAY” was really disheartening.
It’s really only funny if you have a reputation as being really social, gracious hosts.
I don’t have this, I just think it’s cool:
I have the pirate one!!! Squee!!! This makes me one of the cool kids now? Lol
a friend of mine has a come in/go away doormat
the writing is really cleaver so it actually reads both messages depending on which way up you are reading it
i was going to post this! you beat me to it. I think its hilarious.
I’ve always liked these ones:
Nice greeting:
This Finish Line doormat has always tickled my fancy:
I like that it’s green and it reminds me of the race home as a child.
We have the “Go Away” doormat. <3 Sure has made family laugh when they come to visit.
I totally need that “key, wallet, cellphone” one for my husband! he always forgets something… and i mean every, single, time.
I’ve been admiring this one for awhile now, so sweet:
I saw a “Hi, My Name is Mat” one, which I always found super cute.
We have the “Go Away” mat! Anyone who we have invited to our house has loved it…and added bonus, we haven’t had any solicitors or religious people knock since putting it out!
Today I was so pissed off because when my husband picked me up from school he told me that he went to Target without me and bought some stuff for our new place! I literally punched him in the arm (i have very ineffectual tiny fists, unfortunately) He told me he bought a mat and I was so bummed! Then we got home and the mat has a beautiful tree on it! It’s nice to know how well my husband knows me! : ) So hooray for welcome mats! (BTW, this is the first time I’ve ever owned one…!)
I’m having memories of a doormat from a catalogue called The Music Stand that said, Bach later. Offenbach sooner. It warmed my music dork heart. I found some on their website but not that one, alas.
I am oddly attracted to a lot of the ones at Target.
One says “Enter if you dare” in very convincing blood complete with spatter.
Another reads “Nice Underwear” (this tickles my inner child)
And finally “Stay on mat. Your knock will be answered in the order it was received”
I actually bought the one with a school of blue fish and one red fish that has “hello” written on it. I have no idea why it won. But I love it.
That pirate mat is the same one we have. It was the very first item purchased off our wedding registry, like, before we even said where the registries were.
(Then that one was stolen when our neighbors — in their 30s and old enough to know better — got drunk. We bought a replacement from Amazon.)
I’ve got a “hi! Nice underwear!” one, it’s awesome 🙂
Some of these are great:
We have the jolly roger doormat! I love it sooooo much we bought another one for our patio! I nearly spilled my coffee I was so excited when I saw the picture of it on this post! =)