This week we’ll be running posts that celebrate families we don’t discuss often enough — Child-Free, adoptive families, and families made of friends — to name a few.
What had I done? Where would we go? We had no family to stay with. I hardly had any friends. The closest people we had were the boys’ godparents who lived eighty miles south of us. Sobbing, I called them. Without hesitation, they loaded their two boys (ages two and fourteen months) and themselves into their car and made the eighty mile journey to meet me.
Tomahawk, Blondee, and I had been friends since we were 15. They were always the ones I could call on when I needed help. They had loved my boys like family, and I had loved theirs like my own. I often referred to my best friends as my brother or sister, and my sons referred to them as auntie and uncle. There was no blood relation, but they were the closest thing to family I had.
They came and picked us up — Tomahawk driving my van, while Blondee followed us back. We drove in silence, no questions, no comments. At home, we situated the kids and made up the couch for me. Little did I know that their house would become home for us for the next nine months.
In total, nine of us occupied the two-bedroom, one-bathroom house. Five adults and four children: Tomahawk, Blondee, Shorty (a mutual friend renting a room), Giant (my sort of, kind of love interest), and I. The garage had been divided and converted into two more rooms for living.
The house was always busy with activity. Work schedules overlapped, people came and went, and one of the kids were always getting into something. We divided the chores and bills between the adults but never thought to establish rules for non-parents and kids.

I started to feel a bit irritated that most of them didn't seem to understand the limitations of late pregnancy. And then I took a... Read more
Parenting styles differed. Having two males in the house that had no relation to the children occupying the house became problematic. Both Giant and Shorty didn’t want to step on toes or go against principles set down. We often butted heads about bed times, desserts, temper-tantrums, and liquids before bed. One set of parents would allow their boys to have or do something, while the others said no. All four boys tried their hardest to pit the adults against one another, in hopes of turning a “no” into a “yes.” It was frustrating.
But after a few months, we all settled into a rhythm. We took turns watching the boys and established a base of rules and disciplinary actions. Compromise became our biggest task. We learned to stand our ground. If one set of kids received something, we made sure to do it away from the others, or include them as well.

Family outings included all nine in the household. We took trips to the zoo, the aquarium, the movie theater. Questions were often asked about relation and who belonged to who. We simply always said the boys were cousins and we were brothers and sisters. And we had become a family — dysfunctional and crazy, but we belonged with each other.
In my darkest hour, my family came to my aid. They took the boys under their wing and loved them like no other had. We taught them how to play catch and kick a soccer ball. We made messes and finger painted. Our parenting styles changed; we became better role models for these four young boys. We found ourselves and created a home.
Above all else, we learned that love is thicker than blood. Relation had nothing to do with family, and for the first time in years, I stood on my own two feet and felt more love than I had felt in a lifetime.
never been moved enough to comment before…very similar to me…xoxoxo
When my cousin moved in with us for a time, our manta became, ask ‘one adult only one time’ in an effort to get through the manipulation of the boys trying to get what they wanted. It was definitely hard work, but we made it work.
We had many house meetings, even some that included the older boys who could understand what was taking place, with the same tone. If you ask auntie, and she says no, then the answer is no. We would often double check to ensure that was the first and only time, the question was asked.
just wanted to say “yay!” that is really cool.
So glad your family came through for you. This is the kind of family I want to be for my friends and their kids.
Wow. This is a great story and I am so glad you’re framily came through!!
This story reminds me of a man I’ve known for a long time.
Several years ago, he had married a woman who was pregnant with someone else’s child (a son), partly out of pity for her. After that child was born, they had another child together (a daughter). Long too long after the second child was born, she completely abandoned the man and the two children without warning. He was left with one child that he had no biological relation to whatsoever and one biological child, yet he has raised both kids like they were his own.
He has since met another woman and married her, and she has been a better mother to those children than the first wife ever has.
This is yet another example of why sometimes “love is thicker than blood.”
Such a beautiful story to come out of such pain! So glad it worked out for the best.
I love this story. Thank you for sharring