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My divorce made me love my wedding video

Offbeat Bride readers might remember me from this post. That marriage ended two years after our wedding. It took two more years after that for me to revisit my wedding video. I expected to feel pain, but I felt so much joy instead. My wedding video means more to me now than I could ever have anticipated four years ago…

3 good relationship habits we carried over from wedding planning to married life

The wedding is over and it is still leaking into a lot of aspects of our lives. Some of the things I (and my partner) learned and implemented while planning the wedding are going to carry over into married life. Here are three good habits my husband and I have carried over from wedding planning to married life: Stir Fridays, Tasting Tuesdays, and Wedding-Free Wednesdays.

I don’t plan to stay married to the person I’m married to today

In which I analyze personal evolution and its role in long-term, monogamous, marriage. With every lesson I have embraced, with every tear I have released, and with every damn experience I have accrued, I have changed my opinion, my story, and my inner-most self, and so has my husband.

sexless marriage

Married and celibate: Adjusting my relationship expectations in a sexless marriage

We’re barely in our thirties, but my husband and I are currently in a “sexless marriage” (defined as a couple who have sex “10 times a year or less”). I am writing this because I want other partners in similar situations to know that they aren’t alone.

Bisexual in a straight marriage

Coming out as bisexual to my husband was as strange as coming out to myself. I ended up speaking in so many circles that it took another conversation about two months later for him to realize that I was actually trying to come out to him. He had questions. I had questions. The biggest question was if I still wanted to be with him, or if coming out was also me realizing that I wanted more dating experience with other women.

How a Roomba saved my marriage

Twenty minutes later I hear him running the vacuum for the 4th time in 4 days and I wonder just how much strain this is putting on our marriage. I “spontaneously” tidy up the bathroom and hope for the best. Enter the Roomba…

My family includes my “platonic wife”

Kira, the platonic wife in question, is sapiosexual, and we have known each other for about seven years; she and her heterosexual husband have been married for about two years. So why “platonic wife” instead of “best friend” or “really close friend”? Really it comes down to the fact that I consider her as important and as “legitimate” of a relationship as my relationships with my husband and partner.

How do you deal with the “so… when are you going to get married” questions?

Lately every time we see family or friends though the conversation always comes around to, “So, when’s the wedding?” Our answers never seem to satisfy anyone, and it’s a bummer to feel like those closest to us no longer feel like our relationship is “enough,” even though we are really happy. Homies, does anyone have a really good script or advice for dealing with family and friends who want to pressure you about your relationship status?