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How do you reconcile your tattoo needs with those of your partners?

In the span of our relationship, I have developed moderate myalgic encephalomyelitis. I’ve also been clinically depressed since I was about 15. Between the two of those things, there are a LOT of days when it seems easier to give up than keep going. And that’s where the “inspirational tattoo” would come in. When I told my husband what I was thinking, he was clearly swallowing a lot of objections…

3 things you can start doing today to keep your relationship fresh

I’ve been with my hunk of a husband for 8½ years. I’m often asked how we keep it fun and lively. How do we always seem to be happier than a turtle on a skateboard? I could respond with the bland, basic answer of being a good listener, going on dates, and sharing life goals. And if you look up “how to keep a marriage fresh,” those are usually the kinds of answers you’ll find. That stuff works, but I like a more creative approach. Here are the three unconventional ways I keep my relationship fresh and fun…

Dealing with difficult in-laws the grown-up way

What are you supposed to do when you can’t stand your in-laws? I needed to learn techniques to help me deal with mine in a kind and considerate manner, without exploding with internalized stress. For me, the following things have helped…

What are some fictional books that feature realistic and healthy couples?

What are some fictional books to read about happy marriages? Stories that are fun and good to read, and also feature realistic and healthy couples.

Newlyweds with a roommate: what should we be mindful of?

My husband and I got married not too long ago. It so happens that one of our long-time friends, also from our home town, found a part time job in the city I work in, and we’ve decided to share a flat. Offbeat Homies my questions are many…

I only live with my husband half of the year (and I’m okay with it)

I joke with my friends that I am a “part-time wife” because, for about half the year, I live with my husband and two cats in Boise, Idaho. The other half, I spend in Kalamazoo, Michigan working on my Ph.D. in English. This is a temporary situation, but it does raise a few eyebrows, and like any non-traditional living arrangement, it presents its own challenges.

Families of two: You don’t need kids to “start a family”

I’m married, and, if things go according to plan, we won’t ever have kids. Or, as some of my family members have put it “start a family.” Now, I take issue with that phrase…

Not having enough sex? Here’s how to have the sex talk you’ve been dreading with your partner

My husband and I have been married for two years now and with him being active duty, he is gone for months at a time and in a demanding and high-stress work environment. Naturally, as you might expect, the fullness of our sex life dissipated. I was feeling neglected and dissatisfied with the few times we did have sex, and never seemed to have a constructive conversation about sex, until now…