Category Archive


Our genderqueer family has a lesbian Dad

Many genderqueer parents pick alternative names for their parental role — nothing felt right for my partner, so we’re using Dad.

My teenage sister thinks she might be gay. How can I best support her?

Nadia’s teen sister recently confided that she feels attracted to females — how can Nadia best support her sister?

Painting your son’s toenails and other crimes against society

Thanks to Meg for emailing us about the media debate currently raging over a J. Crew ad showing a designer painting her five-year-old son’s toenails pink.

LGBT-themed books for tweens and high schoolers

There’s been a huge boost in quality and quantity of fiction and nonfiction with LGBT themes for kids and young adults. Many of the general themes and feelings are common to teens AND adults.

Two mamas, lots of tattoos, and a guitar

Good reads? Check. Super cute baby belly? You betcha. Two beautiful mamas happily awaiting their kiddo? YEP, it’s in here!

My husband was a sperm donor: perspective from the partner of a bio-dad

Anyone who has friends in same-sex relationships knows about how much weight is given to biological parents here in the US … I don’t know exactly how this has worked out so well, but I think it’s because we all care about each other.

The day my partner adopted our daughter

My partner recently adopted our daughter — the one she has parented since birth — and simultaneously everything and nothing about our family changed .

A bitty Spanish apartment with BIG color and 19th century brick ceilings

In a post straight out of House Hunters International, we’re touring a 6th floor walkup in Barcelona. This place has it all: hardwood, Eames furniture, a European balcony and — oh. 160 year-old curved brick ceilings.