Category Archive


Making prints of lotus-born placenta

Lotus birth babies have two birth days, they have the day that they were born into the world from Mama’s womb and they have the day that their umbilical cord and placenta naturally detached from their belly button.

DIY Gross out: How to make a horror-tastic intestine wreath

If you want your house to display an original decoration, perfect for Halloween (or anytime of the year if you and/or the kids are horror fans), try making an intestine wreath.

How to turn an old onesie into a baby doll

Have lots of too-small baby clothes or forgotten blankets? Victoria Brooke has a DIY solution for you!

A birch tree nursery–with a twist

We live in a mid-century modern house that backs to trees, so we wanted the room to be modern and reflect the natural landscape outside. We also needed it to be gender-neutral, as we declined to learn the sex of the baby, and would like to use the room as-is for any future babies. We […]

How to make your own nursing necklace (with video!)

I’ve seen Booby Beads and nursing necklaces for sale for as much as 20 dollars. Luckily, they are easy to make, even for the chronically craft-impaired–like me.

How to DIY your own Ruffle Bib Tutorial

Ruby is three and a half months old. This means she drools. A lot. I didn’t want to go out and spend a bunch on ugly bibs with sayings like ‘Daddy’s Princess’ on them (no offense if you’re into those) so I bought one ugly bib and then used it as a pattern to make […]

DIY Scrapbox Memories Tutorial by Giddy Giddy

Shadowboxes and scrapbooks are excellent ways to hang on to those little items, photos and knick-knacks that we hold so dear. This kitschy, simple tutorial that I spied over at Giddy Giddy is all of those things wrapped up in one… plus it doubles as fantastic wall art! What’s so great about this project is […]