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What no one told me about post-partum life

I wish people had given me specific examples of adjustments they made after giving birth. So knowing that, here are my observations as a new mom of three weeks.

How to make your own nursing necklace (with video!)

I’ve seen Booby Beads and nursing necklaces for sale for as much as 20 dollars. Luckily, they are easy to make, even for the chronically craft-impaired–like me.

Why I’m over and done with breastfeeding

I’ve had some struggles with breastfeeding in the four months since my son was born. One of those struggles was just grappling with the SHOCK that it could be so hard. The newest shock is that I’m throwing in the towel.

Mile-high Motherhood: How to breastfeed while piloting a plane

My daughter’s infant car seat had attached so nicely to the right front seat of my Mooney TLS single-engine airplane that our loving mother-daughter piloting adventures seemed meant to be.

Bonnaroomama’s baby photos

bonnaroomama explains: “After my son was born, complications from my c-section left me hospitalized for about three weeks. My family worked very hard to keep my son near me and support my breastfeeding efforts.” It looks like despite those rough first three weeks, Bonnaroomama and her family have gone on to enjoy a rich life […]

Breastfeeding was crazy hard, but weaning is sad too

My son Conan is pretty much weaned now, at 13 months. It’s been about a week since he last nursed, and he’s perfectly happy without it. I have mixed emotions about it — on the one hand, it is SO liberating, but on the other hand it’s the end of a really close part of our relationship, a connection we will never have again. But time moves on, and my little guy is rapidly metamorphosing from a baby into a toddler.

Thinking back on my early experience of breastfeeding, the thing that really jumps out is that I never, NEVER believed that we would make it through a whole year…

Breastfeeding your toddler never looked more beautiful

Mama C-Ta says of this beautiful portrait of her and her son Julian: “Nursing my 2 year old — I want to capture it before it ends which can happen without a moments notice.”

Beautiful belly pendants celebrate the awesomeness of birth

Looking for a unique and special BlessingWay gift or a way to show appreciation for your dedicated Midwife or Doula? Maybe you yourself need a talisman in the birth room to give you strength to push that baby out. When I was preparing for the birth of my daughter, I wore one of these beautiful […]