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The hazy magic of night nursing

“…Now pull baby close. Her eyes are still closed. My eyes are starting to strain because I’ve only allowed one to open this whole time. Mustn’t cross over to the waking world. Must return to slumber.”

Lactating lesbians – inducing lactation as a nongestational mother

Melissa and Liesbeth are wives who are BOTH breastfeeding their daughter, Grace. Can you handle that much awesomeness?

Will my child still love me if we wean?

If you wean your child, will he or she still be close? Do you ever just feel like a “walking dairy rack?”

The Human Incubator: how Kangaroo Care saves preemies

The practice of Kangaroo Care in NICUs is widespread, and the positive impact has been most keenly felt in hospitals in developing nations, especially those without machine incubators or other medical equipment.

The b(r)east of both worlds — using formula AND breastfeeding

Overnight, I became a working mother (Really! Interviewed on Tuesday morning, offered the job that afternoon and began work the next day). I dutifully hauled my breastpump to work everyday. I felt guilty for leaving Stella so soon, and the prospect of weaning her to formula made me feel even worse!

After two weeks of pumping, I was done…

What to do when breastfeeding just doesn’t work

Laura tried breastfeeding her son, Sammy, and you know what? It turns out breastfeeding isn’t for everyone — mamas and babies alike — and that’s ok.

Dealing with clogged ducts while breastfeeding

One morning I woke up with a huge, hard lump on my right breast. I didn’t know where it came from and totally freaked out – Did I have a tumor!? I wrote my mama friends, did some reading and figured out it was had to be a clogged duct.

Using cabbage to make weaning less painful

While researching, I kept reading over and over again that cabbage can help you wean, but didn’t take it entirely seriously. However, at time of writing it’s been sixteen hours since Jasper last nursed, and the pain drove me from our friend’s house to my local grocery store to pick up a head of GREEN cabbage.