“Generic Giraffe Riding Shark Never Stop Dreaming”!?
This shower curtain looks like it was put together by my unconscious mind while I was candy flipping on an overnight stay at the San Diego Zoo.
The coolest Whovian bathroom decor in all of time and space
The return of Doctor Who (this past weekend) is basically a holiday ’round these parts. Last time when I celebrated the season premier of Doctor Who, I rounded up all my favorite Whovian home goods. This time, in true Megan style, I’mma do a Doctor Who bathroom roundup!
Help me find a bathtub that is cheap, septic tank-friendly, and preferably DIY
I would love to have a bathtub, but we have a septic tank that is small like the rest of our house.
Do you know of anyway that we make/buy a bathtub that deals with grey water a la the amazing inventions of Burning Man?
8 sloth shower curtains that make life worth living
Are you seeing what I’m seeing? That right there is a stripper sloth making it rain… on a shower curtain. I never knew that my life was missing something until I saw this magical item… that exists in the world… and can be purchased… and hung in my bathroom. There are so many more amazing sloth shower curtains to be purchased and hung. Check these out…
The mythical and magical unicorn bathroom
It’s that time again for another Offbeat-themed bathroom round-up. This time one of you suggested a horse or unicorn-themed bathroom, and I have accepted the challenge. Hell, I’ve even thrown in the perfect bathroom faucet!
These are the super-subtle Star Wars bathroom items you’ve been looking for
Maybe you’re a huge Star Wars fan, but your live-in partner doesn’t agree with using your childhood Star Wars sheets in your bedroom. Or perhaps you’ve held off on your Death Star-inspired living room decor, since you often host business meetings at home. This, Homies, is why I love getting weird in the bathroom. (No, not like that… well, maybe.) THIS is the super-subtle Star Wars bathroom you’ve been looking for…
The giraffe-themed bathroom: Challenge accepted!
I present to you, the giraffe bathroom — girafferoom? girbathroom? — and it’s actually pretty awesome. In fact, that giraffe shower curtain is just the tip of the amazing giraffe shower curtain iceberg. Like the giraffe itself, this post has so much more going on the more you scroll from top to bottom…
Hardcore ways to survive a drought (or just save money on your water bill)
Did you know that about 25% of the continental United States is in extreme drought conditions right now? The ’10s saw a long drought in Australia that led to deadly fires, and parts of central Europe are below normal rainfall levels right now. Climate change brings weather extremes, throwing once-regular rain patterns out of whack. Even if your hometown is currently nice and wet, it might not be in the future. And besides, saving money on your water bill isn’t a bad thing. So try some of these hardcore hacks to save water…