I am a first time mama-to-be and I have piercings, as I am sure many other offbeat readers do. The question I am coming up on is about some of my less-than-removable piercings, namely, my dermal anchors.My nurse practitioner mentioned having to remove jewelry if I needed a c-section but I won’t be able to pop these out at a moment’s notice. I was wondering if any other readers had trouble during pregnancy with piercings or if they had to have them removed?
Any info would be appreciated as I’m having a hard time knowing where to look. — Heather
Alright, piercing fans — anyone have experience with dermal anchors? Did you take yours out prior to giving birth?
An update: my doctor said I couldkeep them in unless I needed a c section. Well, i ended up needing one and the anesthesiologist thought they were too close to the cauterization so they cut them out before my spinal. 5 minutes later a nurse came in saying they were safe and made if non conductive material so I could have left them in if we had known. Oh well
I had dermals in my collar bone area, I had to have 2 surgeries. They did not make me remove them but they became such a bother, they were always getting infected. So I went to a dermatologist to get them removed. I was left with two big scars right on my chest. Anyways I would recomend getting them out while you can, but deffinitally find someone qualified to take them out. Hope I helped :))
This is one reason why you remove jewelry prior to surgery. You increase your risk of surgical site or systemic infection.
I am a professional piercer, and assuming the piercer put implant grade Titanium anchors in you, you should be fine. However, if a doctor says they need to come out, they need to come out, go see a local TRUSTED piercer who can remove them safely. Very rarely does there need to be ANY cutting whatsoever. I hope this helped…