When you think of castles, you think “built in the ’80s” right? You will now, when you explore this New England castle, built in 1980 and… um… looks it. Fans of ’80s medieval revivalism, get ready to change your panties!
Let’s step inside and have a look around all five levels of this four-bedroom, 3.5-bathroom, $1,295,000, early ’80s castle that looks like it came out of a David Lynch film.
Level One:
The front door is on level two. This ornate door befits a castle-style home. And, of course, no castle is complete without a stained glass window.
I think the first floor has the in-law suit complete with what the listing describes as, a “living room with handsome stone fireplace.” I think it’s sad looking as compared to the rest of this castle-y estate, but the floor to ceiling sliding glass doors to the yard are nice.
Level Two:

My friend Rachel spends a lot of time fantasizing about houses. And stalking houses. She sent me this week's Offbeat Real Estate dreamboat: an "artistic"... Read more

Now let’s go up to level three…
Level Three:

Now to level four…
Level Four:

Level Five:
So there’s my modern-day castle gift to you. Do you guys know of any other contemporary castle homes?
Some of the spaces in this house are so disappointingly normal compared to the OMGAMAZENUTS exterior, but I’m sort of swoony over how they mixed decors inside.
Wait, is there only one bedroom?
Shut up and take my money! Oh, wait, I don’t have that much money… bummer! I luv this house. The library/office sort of sold me. Although the suit of armor and circular bedroom were also big winners. And the window..omg, the WINDOWS ya’ll!
I didn’t expect sooooooo many boring white walls inside! And what’s with the zillion seating/dining areas?! Does the home stager have something against couches?
That said, the bones of this home are awesome and I’d love to see what a loving buyer could do to it.
Exactly this!
I second this. I’d love to see what someone not staging the house with 8,000 extra leather couches sitting around could do. Maybe something with some plaster and a little gothic know-how?
My guess is the zillion seating areas are because… after three flights of stairs, some folks would need a break. Imagine trying to tackle this house while pregnant or aging. Phew!
I fell in love with the exterior, but can you imagine climbing up five floors just to go to bed every night?
I would install a tiny elevator. Or maybe one of the motorized chair things to the staircase. Probably the motorized chair thing, so I can zoom up and down a spiral staircase whenever I choose.
I’ve actually told my husband that if we end up with a multi-floor home, I want one of those chairs. Practically it’s because fibro flares make stairs a bitch, but it’s also strongly influenced by the Haunted Mansion.
I am also underwhelmed by the interior. The cabinets need to GO and and that mantel is begging for some crown molding treatment, but armed with a sander, a paintbrush and a nailgun, that bitch has some MAJOR AWESOMENESS potential.
A gamer’s paradise! Imagine all the D&D fun times! Different games on different floors and nooks… ACK! Amazing!
Better yet, LARPing! It would be like a playhouse for grown-ups!!
I love it more than I thought I would. Also, the listing says the home has an “in-law/au pair apartment” and that phrase is perhaps my favorite part of this listing. The white walls on the inside don’t bother me, I think they are interesting enough structurally that they can be a bit more simple.
I’m a little concerned about how bathrooms were listed (3.5) verses how many were shown (0). I’d love to live in this area, though, so I could schedule a viewing and just wander around. I wonder if they would be worried if I showed up in a long, flowing princess dress?
Yes! I’m always very concerned about bathrooms and get very anxious if I feel like one is lacking. But, what if I need to peeeee?????
ok i am in LOVE with this place…. it doesnt quite compare to updown court (Strawberry Hill, England) which is my ultimate dream home….. but its pretty awesome, and just sayin, the circular ‘breakfast nook’ would totaly become a board games area…
…and now I want a castle.
Can I go visit it? Just to you know, throw my hair out the window Rapunzel style and dance on the marble floor Belle style (I’m assuming there’s a handsome prince provided for that asking price)
um.. yes. windows. circles. yes. all of it. plus some paint and aaallll of my stuff. yes
I’m pretty sure that if I owned this, I would painstakingly recreate sets from Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal in each room.
I love it! It’s so odd and nooky (I totally have a thing for nooks). And the windows!
I’d find the 1980’s fantasy version of a castle a bit easier to live in than a medieval original. We drive past this one on the way to school every day http://www.borthwickcastle.com/ and while it’s big on history, ghosts and Scottish scenic gorgeousness, light and airy it ain’t.
I need big windows and central heating!
Wow. Looks like the dream houses I build on The Sims. Haha! Love it!
Recycled and utterly amazing!
Sorry, but save for the exterior design, I see little to nothing that says ’80’s’ here…it just looks WICKED COOL to me!…;)