Hello and welcome to this edition of “insanely nerdy crafts.” Today we shall be turning that adorable chubby cheeked babe into a hardcore LARPer. You’ll be the hit of the D&D baby shower!
What you will need:
- a pack of baby shirts (these are Gerber 0-3 months)
- some iron-on transfers
- an iron
- and my templates
How to make them:
First step is to download my templates. There are several to choose from — D&D characters, Doctor Who outfits, and even Cthulhu!
Print one onto your iron-on transfer. I’ve already reversed the image for you but if you want to reverse it back knock yourself out. It’s also best to set the printer to matte, and “best,” and “please don’t eat my fingers.”
Let that dry for a while.
In the mean time pull out your adorable baby snap shirts. Due to easy baby access you have to do a bit of pre cutting, but it isn’t too difficult. Even I managed. Just line up the edges and cut along the top.
I didn’t really plan this project. I just thought “Hmm, what can I do with these extra scraps of fabric?” and ended up with this... Read more
Now iron flat the baby shirt palette.
Carefully lining up the cut off section, add it to the top and never stopping rub the iron over it for a half a minute. It is very important to not stop or you get image melt.
Let that sit until it’s cool and then peel off. Then do the other bigger side.
Now just re-snap it all together and you have a little Cthulhu baby.
Just go here for the templates and then you can get to nerding up tiny tiny t-shirts or onesies.
Thank you for this! So awesome, just made my day!!
way too cool!!
I love them
holy effing awesome. almost makes me want a baby, so i can put it in *baby chainmail*! so very cool.
This is awesome! Were the templates easy to make? A Harry Potter one would be wicked. Though the Doctor is a must for me! Thank you for these!!!!
Some were harder than others, especially the mage robes for some reason. I have wacky ideas to make a borg one but I’m in the midst of book stuff right now. Soon hopefully.
I cannot effing wait to have a baby so I can dress it up as a borg baby.
This is cool. But I must admit, any of my lrp friends just put the babies in fairly old fashioned outer gear, maybe add horns and it does the trick nicely too 🙂