Once again, I have gone on virtual vacation via Airbnb and have come back with an amazing find. Last time it was an upside down boat-turned-retreat, this time it’s a stately manor in Nairobi with a resident herd of giraffes!
Giraffes that will also drop in for a visit. OR even more incredibly, dine with you!
I mean, COME ON with that cuteness! See that little girl on the left behind the teapot? That’s the expression I was making the whole time I virtually explored this place.
Travelers from all over the world now make The Giraffe Manor part of their East African safari, the only place in the world where you can enjoy the breathtaking experience of feeding and photographing the giraffe over the breakfast table and at the front door.
Because the rooms are just as impressive as the tall lanky animal friends!
Check out the sitting room with a fireplace big enough to walk into.

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I guess this is where you go if you want to eat giraffe-free.
But let’s be honest, it is ALL about the giraffes with this hotel. And, for the first time, I’m totally NOT put off by the $500 a night price tag. Sharing breakfast with a giraffe and answering the front door to find a fucking giraffe or two is one of the ONLY reasons I could imagine myself paying $500 a night for a hotel.

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oh man! I would totally live there forever! Husband says no 🙁
… did you mention that there are giraffes? I just can’t imagine that he heard that part and was still able to utter the word no.
Maybe he misheard and instead heard ‘carafes’ and couldn’t imagine wanting to live in a home full of coffee carafes. Which I understand. I would ask him again, and clearly state that you need to live here because GIRAFFES.
Maybe she’s married to Eminem! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUASFYLkg0M
I have a friend who used to play here as a child! I guess her family knew the owners at the time. Talk about lucky, huh.
WHAT!!!? That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard.
I’ve been dying to do this ever since I saw it on that PBS Tall Blondes special!! It is up there with the Ice Hotel in Sweden.
Omg, this is so AWESOME!!!! Also, I love the black and white photo of the giraffes through the door! I want a print of it!
If you ever want to go walking with lion cubs and cheetahs, stay at the Tshukudu game reserve. They have both a lodge and a bush camp for those on a budget. Also, may I suggest the tour company Epic Enabled for those trekking to South Africa. They specialize in travel for the disabled, but are pretty awesome for the able-bodied as well.
To save the next person the google search: http://www.tshukudulodge.co.za/
Yes! I’ve been there! They have (or at least had, when I was 16) a tame cheetah called Savannah that cuddles up to you and purrs when you scratch her tummy. A CHEETAH!
This place has been on my bucket list since I heard about it a few years ago! I’m glad you found it on airbnb- the official web site doesn’t list prices. TOTALLY worth $500. (And I’m not a rich person.)
WOWza, that would be awesome. I was really excited until I started to realize that if you saw them outside of your 2nd story window out of the corner of your eye, I think I might have Jurassic Park flashbacks and be scared out of my mind. Trying to focus on the awesomeness and not the possibility of unintentional, irrational fear…
I saw this place on a travel show once and fell in love. Giraffe’s sticking their heads through the window at breakfast to say hello-yes please! Thanks for writing about it…I can now add it to my favourites for the time when I, you know, get rich and can afford such an amazing holiday
Oh my… I had no idea you could actually stay in that house! I’ve been to the giraffe reserve to feed the giraffes (that exact same one) on a business trip but noone told us we could have stayed there! Freaking awesome!
I seriously looked into staying here for a vacation but it is out of my budget for the near future. It is definitely on my bucket list! I am so enthralled with giraffes this would really be a dream vacation!
There is a zoo in Colorado Springs where you walk on platforms so you are eye level with giraffes and can feed them. It isn’t the same, but it is still awesome (and affordable).
Actually, that’s exactly what they have there. When you go to the AFEW Giraffe Center, there’s a platform from where you get to feed the Giraffes.
And the house featured here is kind of in the background. I remember looking at it and thinking it was probably some kind of official office building for the Center. It looked like something from Out of Africa (which makes sense since the area where this is located is pretty close to Karen, where the author Karen Blixen lived). Never in a million years did I think you could rent it.
My friends got married at the weekend and part of their honeymoon is a trip here. I can’t wait to see their pics!