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Let’s talk about our partners, and how we negotiate sharing our homes and lives with them.

Why ethical non-monogamy is AWESOME and totally worth the extra effort

I was the partner that needed convincing to open up our relationship to ethical non-monogamy. And now, all-in-all, I think ethical non-monogamy is AWESOME and totally worth the extra effort. My boyfriend and I have now been together for six years, happily non-monogamous. Here’s how I got my head around the idea of opening up our relationship…

How to balance feminism with pragmatism in household chores

Both my partner and I consider ourselves progressive, feminist individuals. In most things, we are great about ensuring the we are contributing equally. The problem arises when it comes to the domestic sphere…

I don’t want to be responsible for the majority of the domestic chores. At the same time, I don’t think it is very feminist to force someone to do something they hate. Is there some way you have found balance in your relationships?

Can’t spell vasectomy without team: how to give the perfect “snip gift”

“Taking one for the team”… “Vasec-Tommy”… “Can’t spell vasectomy without team” Yep, when there’s no push present because you’ve chosen to be childfree, sometimes you make t-shirts with the slogans above as part of your “snip gift” extravaganza. Our sales manager chica, Tiff, did just this for her husband and we’ve got the deets on how to make vasectomy day a much better day than it could be otherwise.

How can I be the best friend to a new mom?

I’m looking for advice from moms, and those who love them, on how I can be a good friend to my BFF who is having a baby. I need a bit of a rundown on how I can expect our relationship to change. So how do I be the best pal to a new mom given our relative distance? And how do I make sure I don’t accidentally make her life harder trying to keep our friendship going?

How to have great sex as a disabled person

When I became physically disabled due to a rare, incurable bone disease, I found that my favorite, go-to sex position was no longer achievable. Having a physical disability made a lot of things about sex awkward or uncomfortable…

So, how does a disabled person take charge of their sexuality and enjoy themselves? What are some ways that disabled people can physically be comfortable during sex? I have some helpful tips!

7 ways to deal with your chronically late friend

After a year of dealing of my friend’s lateness to most events, a mutual friend and I held a mini-intervention. There wasn’t an ultimatum, but the premise was that Things Had To Change. Unfortunately, the thing that had to change was me.

So here are my tips for dealing with your chronically late friend…

Let’s talk about my article for The Guardian about divorce

Last week The Guardian published an article I wrote about recovering from my divorce called Seven things I wish I’d known before my divorce: an optimistic guide to the future. (For those of you who missed it, here’s my Offbeat Bride post from a few months ago where I was like “Oh yeah, I’m divorced now.)

Are there ways you can strengthen a relationship, pre-baby?

We’ve talked about ways you can get your body ready for pregnancy… And we’ve talked about ways you can get yourself ready for a baby… But we haven’t yet talked about how you can get your relationship ready for a baby!

What are some of the ways you went about getting your relationship ready for a baby?