Category Archive


We launched as Offbeat Home in 2011, but it has become clear that the site is about much more. In 2013, we relaunched as Offbeat Home & Life, with an expanded focus on Relationships, Budget & Career, Travel, and Style. This is the category for the non-home/rest of life stuff!

How I use my panties for a quick confidence boost

It began to get to the point where every single time I was anywhere near Victoria’s Secret, I had to buy the 5 pairs for $27 deal. It isn’t a bad price, until you end up with over a hundred pairs of underwear. So why, oh why, do I love buying new underwear so much?

Rule the porcelain throne with a Game of Thrones-themed bathroom

My favorite thing on Earth is coming back into my life this Sunday: Game of Fucking Thrones! So I celebrated in the very best, most Megan way possible.

Kids need to see parents living their passions

“My daughter is so much more fearless than I was at her age. She knows how to lean into her fears, because she’s watched me do it. I think that’s the ultimate story of me starting a company: my daughter is more fearless because she’s seen her mom lean into the hard stuff of pursuing her passion. I want to see that be true for more moms and kids.”

Create instant mood lighting with a cake dome

Cake dome + LED string lights = easy mood lighting!

Then our sister site, Offbeat Bride, took it another step further with pickle jars and dinosaurs. Check these out…

Facing my own mortality inspired me to stop making excuses and start running

I am a mother, a wife, an individual, a runner, a crappy cleaner with a pretty messy house, I like to read, and write…. But what have I really done with that lately? What makes my life enjoyable and worth living? That evening, upon returning home, I thought of a million excuses why I should just go inside and call it a night, but I made a different choice.

Time hack: How I stopped being an obsessive clock-checker (and why you should, too)

For some reason, watching the minute hand inch toward a deadline doesn’t help me get the work done faster, but it does make me more anxious; who would have guessed? If you think you may be an obsessive, subconscious clock-checker, I highly recommend you conduct your own experiment.

How to make nearly-free, DIY blotting papers in less than 1 minute

The blotting papers you see for sale are often made from rice paper, but this DIY version is next-to free, and works pretty well! Theoretically, you could make these any colour or shape you like, which makes it way more fun.

Feminism and the beauty industry

If you’ve been reading Offbeat Home for a while, y’all probably know and love Roxie Hunt (the How to Hair Girl) for her hair tutorials, and her armpit hair revolution. You’re going to love her even more when you read her open letter to women about feminism and the beauty industry.