Category Archive


We launched as Offbeat Home in 2011, but it has become clear that the site is about much more. In 2013, we relaunched as Offbeat Home & Life, with an expanded focus on Relationships, Budget & Career, Travel, and Style. This is the category for the non-home/rest of life stuff!

A design company in Dogpatch gives the neighborhood something to stand behind with their new emblem

What if all our neighborhoods had not just NAMES, but also IMAGES? Flags, patches, shirts. We’d be like The Warriors and shit!

San Francisco’s Dogpatch neighborhood is kicking us off. Let’s go!

How do I come to peace with my membership in a food assistance program?

We recently made the decision to fill out the application for SNAP — a food assistance program — and are waiting for our response. Now I find myself feeling…awkward.

The return of partying hard: I Wanna Get Stupid with You

We used to party. We just have fun and we’re nice people, as I once drunkenly explained before peeing in a trash can. But where have those fun-having people gone?

How to throw a dinner party for 20 people and not go out of your mind

Cooking for a large group can be daunting, especially if you don’t have a dishwasher and just one oven, stove, and fridge. Fear not! You do not have to be a superhuman — you’ll just have to give the party a bit of thought and planning.

Here’s how I made my fabulous dinner party so fabulous.

Scott Pilgrim cross-stitch: I’m in lesbians with you!

I just finished my partner’s Valentine’s Day gift and, well, it’s pretty nerdtastic. I thought it would be a good share for anyone who’s a fan of One of his favorite movies of all time is Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

Our corner has noisy, dangerous traffic. What can I do to change it?

The tl;dr version: I live on a dangerous noisy corner and I want to change that. I’m really hoping you guys can help me find a solution.

3 ways to survive as an offbeat employee in an onbeat job

In honor of Labor Day, I figured I’d veer a little bit from our usual in-home content to talk about some outside-the-home career realities. I spent five years working in corporate staffing, so this sort of thing is oddly near ‘n’ dear to my heart.

Punk comes home

Is your house all rock and roll and rebellion? Maybe it’s country strong. Mine, I think, is punk through-and-through — and here’s what it means to bring punk home.