Why I rejected the garden that I can’t wait to have
Every spring I wish for a garden of my own, on my own little plot of land. Then one year, for my birthday, that guy I married suggested that he’d get me a plot at a community garden, citing my obsession with having my own garden one day. At first my reaction was “Aw, what a thoughtful idea.” And then my reaction was that of dread. WTF, Megan?
Chocolate dipped nasturtiums
Years ago, as a child, my mother and I grew nasturtiums and dipped the blossoms in chocolate. I didn’t enjoy it much back then, as I didn’t like the taste of them (tart, almost radish-y). But as an adult, I’m loving them.
Build these colorful LEGO-like garden boxes
Thinking of starting a garden this year? Is the thought of putting together garden beds kinda’ daunting? I just discovered TogetherFarm Blocks, which make putting together a garden box as easy as playing with LEGO blocks! Here’s how they work…
Rescue an orchid and jazz up your bathroom on a budget
Not so long ago, Megan asked about plants that do well in bathrooms. Well, may I introduce you to the “Orchid Rescue and Relief Society,” AKA: my bathroom. I started keeping these guys on the sink or in hanging pots, and they went BONKERS.
What can I plant in deep shade?
I have a spot in my apartment building’s courtyard where I buried our beloved family dog. I’d love to plant flowers or something over her final resting spot. The problem is that it’s in deep shade. Got any recommendations for plants that grow well in deep shade?
Save your coffee cans to make a hanging herb garden
Check out Offbeat Homie Christie’s “balcony herb garden,” which is a fancy way of saying coffee cans, hung with zip ties. When asked how this DIY herb garden performed in coffee cans she explained…
Fill an empty corner with this two-tiered corner planter and watch the gorgeousness grow
Derek Powazek of Plantgasm uploaded a few photos of his awesome two-tiered, corner planter to our Offbeat Home & Life Flickr pool. This was what it looked like when he first made it.
DIYing a vertical pumpkin patch in our tiny urban backyard
With urban living comes many advantages. Jules and I both walk or ride our bikes to work, we are a few minutes walk from a zoo, there countless numbers of cafes, restaurants, bars, playgrounds, etc. within walking distance. But there are also some disadvantages. Real-estate is a valuable commodity where we live and there aren’t many lots that would accommodate the size garden we wish we could have so we have to get creative.