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Our homes are made up of lots of working parts — bedrooms, redecorated kitchens, upgraded baths, ogle-worthy renos, ticks and tricks for cleaning and organizing, and real home tours all live here to represent the spaces of your Offbeat Home.

Judgmental and unkind statements make me feel irresponsible to be on Medicaid

Even though I know with certainty this was the right decision for us, guilt, fear, shame and embarrassment smother me every day. I listen to people who don’t know our full situation make callous, judgmental and unkind statements about Medicaid and the people on it.

It seems many people view Medicaid recipients as lazy, manipulating-the-system types. And that makes me feel sad and ashamed. It makes me feel “less than.” It makes me wonder… Is that who we are now? Are we suddenly bad, lazy and immoral members of society because we found ourselves in a difficult, life-changing situation?

One clip-on chandelier with endless style

Apparently Pottery Barn Teen used to sell this really cool “Compose-It Chandelier.” But the super-crafty LolliePatchouli saw it in a magazine and had her “sweet and talented man build one at a price we could afford.” And she has been having fun re-styling it for almost every season for years now.

Ridiculous dorm decor no one needs, but you’ll want anyway

I need these poop emoji coasters like emojis needed their own movie. But now that I’ve seen them, I really really want them. I feel like if I was still living with a bunch of dudes in college, they’d be perfect. In fact, the rest of these ridiculous home decor items would look great for your going back to school shopping…

The cutest Blythe doll-inspired living room you’ll ever see

I know some of y’all are Blythe doll fans, so when we found Janie’s photo of her Blythe-y throw pillows and leafy wallpaper, I knew we needed to know more about this room and all the things in it…

The most ’80s room of all time (time after time)

Hold the phone! (The landline kind — you know, the one that’s wall-mounted and has one of those extra long cords?) I found THEE MOST ’80s ROOM OF ALL TIME. This room looks like it should be a set of an (early era MTV) music video. Or maybe a set piece from Earth Girls Are Easy. It shocked me to my core and then rocked me all night long, because it was so unexpected!

A cheeky, practical guide to fighting housing discrimination

Whether it overt or subtle, when combatting landlord discrimination, there are a number of channels you can use to protect your fundamental rights from the get-go, remedy the situation, or penalize a landlord after the discriminatory act has been committed…

Find out how much of the eclipse you'll see from your ZIP code

Find out how much of the eclipse you’ll see from your ZIP code

You know about the big upcoming solar eclipse happening on Monday, August 21 (dubbed “the Great American Eclipse”) that will span the US? Everyone across the United States will be able to see the sun disappear behind the moon in some form. This time around, only those within the epically-named “path of totality,” from Oregon to South Carolina, will be able to witness the eclipse in full. But most of us will be able to see some part of it. That’s where this tool comes in…

A cheeky, practical guide to recognizing housing discrimination

Unfortunately, not all discrimination is overt, and seeming innocuous questions about your faith, marital status, or even pets (to name a few) have been used as grounds for discrimination. Familiarizing yourself with your rental rights and what to look out for.

Although the federally mandated Fair Housing Act provides comprehensive framework curbing housing and rental discrimination, every renter should be aware of these five signs your rental application is discriminatory…