Those cool colorful pieces of art pictured up there? Yeah, those are rugs. Awesome, right!?
I’m currently looking to replace my worn-out-but-still-awesome-but-also-kinda-stinky living room rug, and while searching for an area rug replacement, I’ve stumbled upon some of the coolest rugs I’ve ever seen.
I’ve found goth rugs, rugs made from rags, rugs for nerds, punk rock rugs, a rug with a time travel theme, and even something called a Pop Art Jazz Rug. Pull up a chair, take off your shoes, and get a feel for these rugs…

My rug-lust has made me rug-curious about all my readers. What does your area rug look like? Extra points if you have pictures or links.
Oh man, those rag rugs in the first picture? You can buy smaller ones for super cheap and sew them together to make one big area rug. That’s what I have going on in my living room, and I love it. I went for the artsy “these seams are super-exposed and there’s nothing you can do about it” look (to hide my negligable sewing skills).
Yeah. I’ve gotten them at Walmart for about a dollar each in my area, a little bit smaller than the listed one but I like the idea of sewing them together.
I did kinda the opposite – needed a long rug for the hallway, so I bought a wide rag rug, cut it right down the middle, stitched up the edges so they wouldn’t unravel, and viola! Awesome hallway rug for my cats to run all over and knock out of place all day!
What!? I need one you guys to make a tutorial, or something! 🙂
i got a big one of those for $10 in south america when i was a teenager – i used it as my quilt/comforter on my bed for many, many years. even at retail prices, i suspect it’s among the cheapest “quilts” you could find. and so comfy (heavy + soft).
Another option, especially if you have indoor pets and small kids (like we did) which can be hard on rugs… go to the rug section at Lowes (or I guess any home improvement store, we only have Lowes in our small town) and there will be carpet remnants – we got an 8×12 plush grey carpet rug with a cool block pattern for less than $80 (and the seams are nice too, not just jagged cuts like normal carpet remnants) – after a few years, from the kids and pets (our living room is the room everyone hangs out in, on the floor!), we just go get another one and leave the bottom one as padding…. they have new ones to choose from every week, so if you dont like the color/texture of whats in store, come back in a week and look again… 🙂
I don’t have any good rugs right now but I do love this one: Give a Hoot Rug.
Loooove that guy. Have you seen our awesome bathmat roundup?
Ogod Society6 makes art into rugs now DO WANT:
OMG, those are rad.
I really dig those Rainbow Abode rugs (though a little past my price point!) – it feels like something that I would want to dig my feet into!
We have a rug similar to the rag rug, except that ours is made from sari remnants. We bought it at Ten Thousand Villages so I feel good about the purchase, and bonus: it has a high silk content. If I fall asleep on the couch and it’s cold and I’m too lazy to go find another blanket…well, the rug is comfy and warm. DON’T JUDGE, Canadian winters make people do odd things.
I love Ten Thousand Villages! I once volunteered at a place where they put all the tags on the items.
You know, I’d never noticed that Modcloth had homewares. I’m not sure if I’m grateful to or mad at you guys for illuminating me, but what has been seen cannot be unseen!
I’ve got small rag rugs in my closet & rainbow flor hallway (as seen in this post!), and black polka dot rug in the living room (as seen below my new kitty).
But ahhhhh I’m in love with that sugar skull one! Too bad I’ve got nowhere for it to go 🙁
Ooh! I totally dig that polka dot rug.
the fact that the loloi rug does not ship to Canada (and it is a steal at the sale price) is killing me….
That is MESSED UP.
I just bought an area rug from ikea yesterday, to create a little visual workspace for myself. It’s almost but not quite 4 feet by 6 feet.
This is my current dream rug: Some day!
I’m just commenting to point out that the fuchsia cowhide rug is SO from the Sims. And I want it. Even though it would go with nothing in my house. That is all.
Thanks for the rug links!
..on the indoor/outdoor rug: we had one like this for our balcony and it was very cool to have, UNTIL in the second summer it startet to dissolve into tiny tiny plastic pieces that ended up everywhere. i was so sad to see it go. 🙁
And it looks fabulous with my purple couch!!!