This shopping round-up request came straight from the boss lady. Ariel requested that I use my nimble shopping fingers to scrounge up some offbeat bathmats. You know… bathmats that are more than just pastel/tasteful/subdued/boring.
So I found a TON of awesome bathmats that will delight nerds, brighten up your room, compliment your hobbies, and even match your favorite china pattern! These things will totally “fun” up your bathroom on the (sometimes) cheap and easy…

H 2 Glow Bath Mat, $32.99

Come and Gumdrop By Bath Mat, $32.99

I wanna snuggle into the polka dot rugs. I really do.
These are adorable! The Orangeburst is my favorite; so sunny and happy, it might make morning a mite more bearable.
Who am I kidding, it will not make 5am fun. But it’s still super pretty. I just bought a house and the bathroom has a horrible countertop that I’m trying to work with before I replace it. Maybe I can build the color scheme around that rug…hmm….
Have you seen the orange and white bathroom makeover? I could totally see this rug working in something like that. (Also, high-five for choosing my favorite one!)
Woo hoo! We have excellent taste.
That orange and white bathroom is AMAZING. Though, the more I think about it, the rug might not match; which pains me because I keep staring at it, lulled by the swirls and happy color… (My counter looks like THIS, with baby blue and white walls. I think they tried to go opposite on the color wheel to be complementary, but blew straight past that and went with effing offensive….)
Also, I would like to lodge a compliant with Waverly about that Grey bathmat. It says Bedazzled, but I do not see one damn sequin on there and I find that appalling.
The blood bath one would totally freak out my visitors for menstrual reasons, which would be cruel, but hilarious. Well, temporarily. Then its background would go grey in the wash, but never mind. I’d buy pretty much any of the above, actually.
FUCK YES the blood one is amazing.
I have a polka-dot bathmat! It matches our polka-dot Ikea shower curtain. 🙂
We have a small mat in front of our sink that’s just a big cartoon-y whale. Found it at the dollar store for $2. There’s a monkey one in our kitchen…. They aren’t too fluffy, but they keep the chills off our feet in the mornings. I did notice Target had some cute owl ones mixed amongst their Halloween stuff the other day, as well…
Although, our bathroom has a semi-Spider-Man theme going on, so if I ever find a spider-man rug, it’s going in there.
These are great, and also made me think of my favorite odd bathmat. When my partner and I were in Scotland we stayed at a small hotel that had a cork plank as a bathmat. When I saw it I thought it was so odd, but it worked really well.
It really insulated our feet from the cold tile, and absorbed water nicely. I’ve been meaning to get one and forgot about it until now. It was like this only flat on top (no bumps)
Love my cork bathmat! Never smells mildewy and appears cleaner. It takes awhile to absorb water, though, so it can get a little puddle-y if multiple people take showers right in a row. Someone gave me a memory foam bathmat for a gift, so I just use that on top of the cork now. Unfortunately, they are all boring colors.