Ever hear me talk about “that guy I married”? Ever wondered what he was like? For the most part, as far as these videos are concerned, Aaron has been a the deep, sexy voice, interjecting off camera. But he’s also my ally in the “no cooking” daily lifestyle. Dude eats more frozen pizza than I do, if you can believe it. But on day three of the challenge, he got home early enough to partake in the non-pizza dinner eating. (And also shows off his fabulous “T-rex arms” dance, and well, must I mention the sexy voice thing again?)
Also featured on this dinner video: The drinking game I invented based on how much I whine. I call it “wine for whine.” So pour yourself a glass and feel free to play along as you watch…
WARNING: Once again, Megan is in a kitchen making things, there will be swear words.
Who else attempted the “vaguely Middle Eastern” dinner? What did you think? I loooooved the rice, but was not-so-much stoked on the cauliflower.
Love. It.
Although watching this clip hasn’t made me feel hungry, I AM being overcome by the urge to pitch “Emma Stone cooking comedy” to some film producers. Weird huh?
HA! That’s hilarious. And I would watch the hell out that film.
So my buddy just sent me this image on Facebook, saying “this was my screen just a second ago. I would have never thought it, but yes…the resemblance is there.”
My husband would so pop his head into the frame like that too! And OMG you two are so cute! Loving these videos! (There can not be enough !!’s in this comment so !!!)
I said it a couple of days ago and I’ll say it again – Megan, you’re cooking and cooking fairly easily!!!!!!!!!
Happy dance in my office chair on your behalf!!!!
YAY! Thanks KT. You know, it’s all my buddy Jessica’s doing. She forces me to participate in the dinners she makes me every week, and it’s really given be a lot more chops. Not THAT much more, clearly, but I’m feeling more confident in the kitchen… ish.
I disagree – it’s given you a ton of chops. Look back to the first cooking challenge videos and you’ll see the difference. 🙂
I was having one hell of a horrible day at work, then I saw the TRex dance the man you married performed. Tell him thanks.
Aw. he’s having a horrible day at work too. That’ll brighten his day. SYMBIOTIC!
I think we have the same wine glasses. Does that one also have a polka dot and striped ones in the set?
Saffron yellow rice is another great rice option (perhaps more mediterranean than middle eastern?) You can get it prepackaged, too, if the spices are too much trouble (http://onceamonthmom.com/menus/vegetarian/). Throw in some veggies (wilted spinach, tomatoes, kalamata olives, artichokes, bell pepper or whatever you prefer) and its a super easy, knock off paella.
YEAH! Same glasses. These guys, right?
We have those wine glasses, too. I think everybody who has been married in the last 5 years has them. Didn’t even register for them, but still got them!
(What? It’s National Capslock Day. )
I also have this wineglass set! Most of this glassware actually. The lowball version of these are quite nice!
Can we have a Megan “My Drunk Kitchen” style episode at some point?
HA! If I had the camera rolling, you would have had a Megan’s “My Drugged Kitchen” episode this morning, when I tried to make oatmeal while on pain meds, and found out my oven was broken. Lots of stumbling and confusing. Actually… not much different than my normal vids.
I love My Drunk Kitchen!
“Try not to divorce me, but I don’t think I like King Crimson.” Haaaaa!
Like, I’m a picky-ass, but I genuinely do not understand why people eat cauliflower? No matter how I try to do it, it always just tastes like I’ve sprinkled spices on a condom. BLECK.
Eat it raw, delish!
NOPE. Worse. More rubbery. And then texturey.
I love cauliflower, raw or cooked. I can’t explain the attraction. I have a friend who has a thing for guys with big noses ( and no, that’s not a euphemism — their actual noses ). It’s like that. Inexplicable.
I hate cauliflower. But a giant head of it came in my CSA box and I can’t waste food so I invented a thing that made it edible, AKA “this is kind of like a lasagna casserole only with cauliflower instead of noodles maybe? I don’t know, put more cheese on it”, and it came out pretty good.
I’ll submit a guest post recipe maybe?
Loved the video – and that guy you married’s T-Rex dance kind of made my day.
Hope you guys have a great weekend. 🙂
HA! THanks SarahBeth!
That guy you married has a sexy trex arms dance and you two are adorable. And yes, nthing that you’re actually handling yourself pretty well in the kitchen – just read the directions before you get started. 😉
Yep, I think turmeric makes food smell like feet, too.
What THAT what it was? I figured someone would have a clue to the feet smell.;)
I’m thinking “My Drunk Kitchen” should be a monthly OBH installment. It was hilarious, and you sound exactly like me in the kitchen, and I’m a pretty decent cook. The swearing doesn’t go away, regardless of skill level.
megan: Listing the many spices, “Card-ah-man”
Hahaha! perfect.
You two are hilarious!