I love me a neutral colored space, but every now and then my interior design-loving eye balls want COLOR! I found a treasure trove of colorful seating options on Amazon, and I got it into my weirdo little brain to make a rainbow of chairs.
Here’s some ROYGBV for your ass… literally…






Do you have colorful seating in your home? What kind? What colors? Extra points for multi-colors!
When we were shopping for our first big furniture purchase, our couch, I fell in love with this apple red one but it was curved and wouldn’t fit in our living room. We ended up with … grey. At first I was a little disappointed because … grey, blah, boring. But now that we’ve had it for years I feel like I will only ever buy neutral furniture. First, the grey keeps the enormous amount of hair our cat sheds daily from showing too much. Unless you sit on the couch wearing black and then stand up you’ll never realize how much cat hair you’re sitting in. Second, I can paint the walls any color I want and the couch will match. Right now we have praline colored walls with a divine red accent wall. Had we gotten the red couch I don’t know how the color combination would’ve looked together. Finally, I can put any type of throw blanket/pillow on that couch and it looks great. Right now I have leopard print, black/white/grey Vera Bradley patterned, and Walking Dead themed throws on it and somehow they all match. The neutrality of the couch makes whatever else we do in the room fit.
But … I will admit … that violet chair is calling to me!
These are delightful, but they are all very modern. I prefer the juxtoposition of vibant colors with more traditional shapes and elements. I sadly don’t own any good examples, but these call to me: