You probably know about Antoni Gaudi — he’s the guy who designed those incredible works of Spanish architecture:


I love these creations. They’re so very fanciful, unusual, and lovely. We covered Gaudi lightly in art history, and my main thought was, “Wait. Those actually exist in the real world?!”
They do! Spain is filled with many other touches of Gaudi, which werehelpfully gathered into a one hour, twelve minute documentary by Japanese filmmaker Hiroshi Tesigahara about 30 years ago — and was recently added to YouTube, free for the watching! So a documentary made by a Japanese man about a Spanish dude — the beauty of it is, it’s completely international. There’s very little script to this flick; mostly moody music, photos, and videos of Gaudi’s work.
So you’ve got tonight’s movie watching planned: Watch Hiroshi Tesigahara’s documentary on YouTube. Feel amazed that a member of your species made this stuff, that it exists on our planet. And if you’re really loving the docu, you can grab it on Amazon, too.
I live in Barcelona! wohoooo luckily I get to see these pretty often and it’s amaaaazing. It’s so dreamy, and unexpected and at the same time very organic.
When I was around 10 my mama took me to La Pedrera (another Gaudí building which is shaped like a big cream cake) to see a Salvador Dalí exhibition and honestly, the combination of crazy building + surrealistic paintings is not something I have been able to forget.
I’m super happy to see this at offbeat home and it fits like a glove because some of Gaudí’s buildings are actually inhabitated. And that people, is OFFBEAT, we are talking about walls curved like sea waves. Try finding in Ikea a wardrobe that fits.
HA! I bet. I’d happily accept the challenge of fitting my stuff in a Gaudi! 🙂
SO so beautiful. I love Gaudi.
I love how every space has a detail that you just don’t expect. There’s a sense of magic in it, and it just begs you to keep looking for what else might pop out.
I want to go to there.
Everything looks like how you always imagined the interior of your dribble sandcastles would be.
These photos made my day. I want them in poster form all over my house.
mind blowing. does any one else see the similar resemblance of a vagina in the lights on the ceiling?? AWESOME