When hot weather strikes, water balloons are awesome, especially when you’re having a drought (like a lot of us in the U.S.) and don’t have the water to fill up a pool or turn on the sprinklers. But even more fun: hanging them up like piñatas and giving them a good whack, like Scrap Happy Heather did.
Fill them up most of the way or they will need to take a serious beating to pop.
That sounds fantastic! I wonder…could you use the same brilliance to create water balloon baseball? Hmm…
Awesome idea! I may have to steal this, if I can figure out a way to hang them all up (the ladder in the photo looks a good way to do it).
Regarding water balloon baseball, I’m sure that would work (as long as no one’s expecting to catch the water balloon after it’s been hit!). I’ve successfully used a longsword to cut water balloons thrown at me, and that can be a similar movement to a baseball bat.