Category Archive


Antique sewing machine is reborn as chic computer desk for a DIY master

Evita scored a neat old Singer sewing machine at her Goodwill. When it turned out it was beyond repair, Evita turned to her DIY-skills to turn her frown upside-down.

A steampunk studio built from the studs up

Even if you only have a passing interest in Steampunk, Doktor A’s studio construction will make you drool. From Edison-style light switches to custom cast iron radiators, the studio is startlingly authentic.

Monday Montage: how to hang unhangable art

I’ve spent the week watching the Offbeat Home Flickr pool grow, and really enjoying the variety of spaces we’re seeing. Here are a few highlights, including a Bollywood music room, blue and red bliss, and the ultimate solution to hanging un-hangable art.