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self improvement

5 strategies for responding to or preventing body shaming

Let’s talk about how to deal when our loved ones participate in body shaming, either of themselves or of others. What do you do when you are determined to be positive about yourself and love your body, but the others around you bad-talk their own bodies or those of others?

Why I ditched the “American dream” and became a Park Ranger

I took my responsibility as a father and husband seriously, and I was so focused on making sure that the life I gave my family was better than the one I had growing up that I lost sight of something extremely important… Myself. So I abandoned the “American dream” once I got inspired to live MY dream. And it was all for one simple reason…

So you want to give running a try

No one would have ever called me an athlete. The only times I exercised was when I had to in gym class. But I always admired runners because they seemed so dedicated and driven. I tried giving running a shot half-a-dozen times, and quit a half-a-dozen times. Finally I decided to buckle down and do this. Here’s some things I discovered along my journey…

Life after ditching my smart phone

We were just like any other couple with smart phones: checked in on Facebook or Foursquare, had work emails set up so we looked at them way too often, shared funny photos and spent part of work surfing the internet. Then it all changed. We ditched our smart phones and have lived to tell the tale.

One-lowsmanship, money anxieties, and being a work in progress

There is a great article that John Cheese wrote about what growing up poor does to your brain. It’s pretty dead-on. One of the things is that when you have extra money, the desire is to spend it RIGHT NOW before some disaster happens and you have to use it to take care of that instead. For years, that was me. And then, after lots of soul searching and hard lessons, I went so far the opposite direction that my cheapness probably qualifies as a mental illness.

What I learned from overcoming my addiction to Facebook

November of 2007 is when I first opened a Facebook account, and I was hooked on social networking. Then, when I was engaged, things got weird. — virtual harassment bled into real life creepiness. After that I started wondering how much I actually needed Facebook. So I deleted all my online accounts and learned a lot in the process.

10 healthy, brain-stimulating “at work”-outs you can do at your desk

I know, I know, you’re too busy to exercise. You’ve got obligations, family to attend to, and not to mention that full-time job (that you may be at right now!). You’re stuck behind a desk most of the day, so suiting up to go to the gym just ain’t happening. Okay then, why not get a little exercise right there at work? Here are seven exercises and three stretches that you can do right now at your desk.

Part-time work means I earn less, but I live more

I’m not a lazy person. In fact, I love working. When I work, I work hard. I get shit done. But I’ve decided that having one job to go to every weekday, all the time, is just not for me. Maybe I can’t leave behind my teenage anarchist ways. Maybe I’m a beatnik stuck in the wrong time. Maybe I just can’t hack it. Or maybe there is a better way for me.