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pregnancy announcement

Potter pregnancy announcement: Pregnant Potterphiles need to see these downloadable pregnancy announcements

Pregnant Potterphiles need to see these downloadable pregnancy announcements

If you’re waiting for a yet-to-be-named future wizard to join your family, these Harry Potter pregnancy announcement graphics are for you. Created by Mugglenet designer Cheyenne, these downloadable graphics can be plugged into an announcement email or into Facebook, Instagram, or your social media of choice.

Let’s peek at these Potterphile pregnancy graphic styles…

We solemnly swear you will LOVE this Harry Potter pregnancy announcement

We solemnly swear you will LOVE this Harry Potter pregnancy announcement

If you’re adding a new wizard to the family, this Harry Potter pregnancy announcement will make you cry, “Merlin’s most baggy Y-fronts!” The announcement says, “I solemnly swear we were up to no good” and has the pitter patter of tiny feet on a Marauder’s Map.

My geektastic heart can’t take the magical cuteness/dirty innuendo of this baby announcement.

What’s the best way to announce a new pregnancy after a miscarriage?

I recently found out that I am pregnant. I had a very successful first pregnancy which resulted in a gorgeous daughter, and a second pregnancy, which I found out was not viable at six weeks. I am dying to tell everyone about this third pregnancy, but I also don’t want to be embarrassed if it turns out to be another chemical pregnancy, and have to explain myself… again.

Struggling with telling infertile friends that you’re pregnant… again

I recently found out I’m expecting my FOURTH baby. We’re getting ready to tell our family and friends, and there are two people I’ve been avoiding telling so far: my brother and my very good friend.

My brother is gay, and he and his partner keep hitting roadblocks on their journey to having a baby. My friend is struggling to conceive and has been for some time…

What geeky methods can I employ to tell my partner we’re having a baby?

My husband and I have recently started trying to create a little baby geek all of our own! It dawned on my this morning that when the time comes for me to pee on that little stick — it seems my life revolves around peeing on little sticks these days — that he will be at work, so I will know a good 10 hours before he gets back.

What kind of pregnancy announcement gifts do you give hip grandparents-to-be?

My husband and I recently found out I’m pregnant and would like to tell our families around Christmas. I think it would be fun to get cute Grandma and Grandpa gifts and see their reaction when they open them. My parents are really HIP though — like hippie cool, and would never want a necklace that says “Grandma’s Angels” or a sign that says “What happens at Grandpa’s stays at Grandpa’s.”

A creative pregnancy announcement

Charlotte told friends she was pregnant and then filmed their responses. The result? Instant pregnancy announcement genius!