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A Bob Dylan-themed birthday perfect for your little Tambourine Man(/Woman)

ALL PLANS FOR MY CHILD’S NEXT BIRTHDAY PARTY HAVE CHANGED. Ariel sent me an email with a link and text that read “Could this BE anymore up your alley?!!?” and I knew it had to be amazing. I jumped over to Super Punch and reveled in Holden’s Bob Dylan-themed birthday party by my new favorite designers, 2+.

Tips for helping your family rock at music festivals

A common passion that my husband, Eric, and I have is seeing live music. We enjoy festivals in particular because we can see a bunch of bands during the weekend and possibly become a new fan. We decided that just because we have a baby didn’t mean our love for live music had to change — so we just started taking her with us!

Touring the country with your band… and your baby (part 2)

What we’ve learned is that traveling with a baby isn’t a whole lot different than a regular tour — you just have, well, a baby. You might stop a little more frequently, or you might not — at least no more than if you have a tiny-tanked bandmate. You still stop to stretch your legs or to get gas, and that’s when you pop on a fresh diaper and feed the little guy. You set out to explore a city, and you stuff the little fella in a sling or carrier, and off you go.

Make art out of band tees so you can prove you listened to them way back when

I stopped buying band t-shirts at concerts a long time ago because they never fit quite right. Men’s tees are too big and the girl’s “babydoll” sized tees are always too little, even if they claim to be an extra large. But I already have a huge collection of shirts: NEW CRAFT PROJECT!

Having a baby didn’t stop us from touring with our band — we just bring him along (part 1)

There is an air of impossibility about two musicians touring with their baby. If you don’t travel with a caregiver, the logistics aren’t concrete: There needs to be a lot of breathing room along with a dedication to adaptation. You need to be able to say, “I guess we’ll both do solo sets.” It’s important for us to remain expectation-less about how a show is going to go or how our child is going to respond to the energy of a venue or the people.

Non-sucky Christmas songs to take back your ears

Scenario: I’m having a holiday party and need party-music-that-sounds-cool-but-also-wintry.

Scenario: My cube-mate’s been playing Christmas tunes since Dec. 1. If I hear Mariah Carey sing All I Want for Christmas is You once more I will snap. I’d like to take over the airwaves with my own mix for a day — what’s a good list to work from?


Offbeat Home has solutions to all the scenarios — songs to stream and songs to buy that are full of jinglebells.

AVAST! Three ways to gird yeself for Talk Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy, buckos! If you haven’t heard, today be Talk Like a Pirate Day — worldwide. For your edification, here be three ways t’ add a little Captain t’ your day with pirate-y music and swashbuckling decor.

The Appreciation Song

Andreas and I have been living together since 1998, and for the most part, we’re pretty solid domestic partners. Basically, ANY TIME we notice the other has done something around the house, we tell them how much we appreciate them. Then, the appreciation started morphing into a little song…