Category Archive


Music lovers and baby fiends alike: get ready to love on some family photos

Quick, think of three things that contribute to a winning family photo session. If your thoughts included brightly-colored decor, smiley family faces, and a baby tucked sweetly into a drum, you’re gonna love this set.

Why I let my tween listen to whatever music he wants

Language isn’t that big a deal to me, nor is the violence. It’s the drug use and the sexually suggestive material. But the music doesn’t concern me. Is that bad?

A punk-inspired nursery and baby shower

Like Sheena, Laura and Matt’s little baby-on-the-way Gavin is going to be a punk rocker. Discotheques be damned!

Make cheap art with sheet music

My husband and I were looking for antique nightstands when we came across our first piece of vintage sheet music. I had to have it… but the shop wanted $8 for what amounted to two sheets of paper.

Let’s talk about birth playlists that don’t revolve around Enya

Music is a HUGE part of many people’s lives, so it only makes sense that you’d want to push out a baby while jamming to your favorite tunes! Here are some of mine.

Finding a friendship with your teen

Wondering how in the world you’re ever going to get on with your kid once he or she is a teen? Kim relates the steps she’s taken to bond with her now fifteen-year-old.

Who needs Baby Mozart when there’s Pandora?

Baby Mozart be damned! Jamie and her husband play their growing baby a selection of tunes from Pandora every night!

Music you AND your kids can bop around to

The Magic Kids sing sweet happy awesome poppy music that sounds like The Beach Boys without the ocean. Your kids will probably dig it, and you might as well.