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Thinking of my ‘tween: should I be for censorship?

I’ve always prided myself on my support of free speech. While I don’t agree with what everyone is allowed to say, I do support their right to say it. My whole philosophy is coming under fire with my oldest son’s foray into the “tween” years.

How a musician mama-to-be balances performing and growing a kid

Miss Ashlee performs in Awesome Sauce with her fiancé Rod — and the two are expecting their first child soon. She’s continued performing with the band throughout her pregnancy, and she loves it.

A gigantic guide to bringing your young child(ren) to Bonnaroo

Two weeks ago I asked you guys how we could make our trip to Bonnaroo easier on our three-year-old, and I got a TON of awesome feedback. We recently completed our adventure, and I’m happy to report that everything went a TON better than I thought it would. In fact, I’d say that we had the best possible experience we could have — Bonnaroo and kids might be a great match after all.

We’re taking our 3 year old to Bonnaroo: what should we keep in mind?

The whole family’s going to Bonnaroo! So quick, tell me: how can we make sure two adults and one three-year-old have a stellar time?

How I’m using music to teach my son to channel his emotions

We’ve lucked out so far in the kid-having world: our son, Jasper, is a reasonably mellow individual. At this point (he turned three a month ago) he speaks easily and can tell us what’s going on with him — most of the time. However, like most kids his age, every so often he flies into what can only be described as preschooler rages and they totally kick our asses.

How musical is your home?

I’m looking at my empty piano nook and my unused bass guitar and thinking about the HOURS I used to spend fiddling on keyboards and drum practice pads. My home is hardly musical anymore, and I’m wondering what place music has in the homes of Homies.

Take the survey and weigh in!

5 ways being a parent is like being in a 24/7 mosh pit

Five years ago I celebrated St. Patrick’s Day at a Dropkick Murphys show. I was 36 weeks pregnant with my daughter, and thanks to pregnancy boobs and some very nice bouncers I was allowed to sit behind the bar to sip ginger ale and munch on soda crackers while I watched the show. This past weekend I once again celebrated St. Patrick’s Day at a Dropkick Murphys show and the experience was somewhat different. Instead of being on the sidelines watching and thinking about what I would do if I were on the floor, I was there in the thick of it — jumping, singing, being loud and rowdy. It was fantastic.

Offbeat Mama Kid’s Mix Vol 1: songs for and about the road

Since pregnancy, and possibly even before, I’ve been determined that my child wouldn’t listen to those CDs of kids singing covers of pop songs in kid voices. There’s nothing inherently WRONG with those CDs, but I have zero interest, possibly even less than zero interest, in ever playing one in my home or my car. While I was pregnant and putting together for my never-used labor and birth playlist, I wondered if it’d be easy to get my son to like whatever we like — and now that I have a three-year-old, I have learned that it is. I know this won’t last forever (and god only knows what the 2020s hold for his teenage-hood), but for now? TOTALLY WORKS.