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moving in together

I bought a home, now what? To-do list advice for homebuyers

I bought a home, now what? Top to-do list advice for homebuyers

Way back in the day, we posed the question, what do you need to do first when you buy and move into a new home? There were SO many great comments from homeowners who learned things the hard way that I had to cull them into one big lessons-learned list. Here is the big list of new homeowner tasks and advice for homebuyers. Note: not everything in this list will apply to you and your home and you may disagree with some of them. If so, let us know in the comments!

The unexpected essentials for moving into your first apartment

Most of that is my experience as a young (and broke) kid, freshly moved out of my parents place (with generally only the clothes on my back, and a couple of books I had brought with me). So I’m going to list a few “essentials” (some of them may seem weird) for the first few weeks. You will probably need these asap, and everything else can come afterwards…

How I gently eased into a joint bank account with my partner

How I gently eased into sharing expenses with my partner

I moved in with my partner of two years about seven months ago. It’s my first time living with someone, at the not-so-tender age of in-my-thirties. When we started to share rent and utilities responsibilities, we had to figure out a way to make things equitable, while also easing into the whole finance sharing idea in general. Here’s how we do it…

Living in the home your partner owns: “Welcome to the secret society of imposter syndrome ‘housewives'”

I’m definitely beyond excited and happy to be living with with my partner. But, I find that I’m struggling with living with someone who owns their own house for a lot of reasons…

Where else will I forget to change my address after I move?

My cat and I just moved in with my boyfriend. Aside from the one time I moved from one apartment to another in the same building, this has been the easiest move ever. But by far the biggest annoyance about the move is changing my address. There are so many places that I keep realizing that I need to tell about my address change. Some of them made the move feel ultra-official, and some of them seem pointless until they really bite you in the ass later…

How can light and heavy sleepers share a bed?

Springless mattresses? White noise machines? Pillow barriers?

What are your sleeping hacks for light and heavy sleep arrangements?

Ugly crying over moving out? Been there! Here are my 5 steps to happiness

I feel embarrassed to confess this, so please bear with me (I feel so silly). But… I am moving out of my first very own apartment, and I cried more about this than I like to admit. This place became my hoodie, my comfort zone. For the first time in 15 years I didn’t dread coming home. I am losing my first and only home I ever truly had and loved. How do I cope with this, you ask? Good question. There are five strategies I came up with that have been helping me with my struggle to say bye to my bachelorette pad…

3 ways to keep the peace when you move in with your partner “too soon”

Shortly after Christmas, I moved in with my boyfriend. But it wasn’t necessarily happening because we wanted it to. To make a long story short, the living situation I had planned fell apart on me pretty suddenly, and he offered to take me in. My only other option was uprooting everything I’d built for myself, and moving back in with my mother — over 100 miles away. There were a few things I knew would have to happen right off the bat in order to keep the peace between us. And as a result of the following tactics, we haven’t had a single problem with this living situation.