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What do you serve a raw vegan for the holidays?

My sister-in-law is a raw vegan and I’m stumped when it comes to including her in holiday meals. Any suggestions on holiday, raw vegan food?

A non-parent’s holiday guide to picking out offbeat children’s gifts

I love everything to do with gifting: giving them, receiving them, scheming them, you name it. Since I have a kid a lot of my non-parent friends and family members will often ask me what kind of fun, kind of weird, somewhat non-traditional gifts they should give their nephews, nieces, family friends (and so on..) and I’ve decided I should just compile a list to make it easy on everyone.

How do I pop my Halloween cherry?

This is my first “cold season” in the Northern Hemisphere, and I’m excited and nervous about Halloween. As an Aussie in Canada my experience covers dressing up spooky, but not much else. I would love some advice about the practical things I can do to enjoy it with friends and any visiting kids.

Break out your Christmas tree early and use it as a Halloween tree!

You’ll be seeing more from this Halloween-themed apartment later in the week, but I wanted to tease you with this great idea…

What non-candy Halloween stuff would you want your kids to get?

Halloween is less than two months away, so it’s time to start stocking up on Halloween candy! (At least in my head, it is.) I’ve bought a few bags of mini candies already, and those will satisfy the vast majority of the kids who come by my house. But can I get anything for the rest of them — what do kids who don’t like (or can’t eat) candy want to find in a Halloween candy bowl?

The history of National Grandparent’s Day and ideas for grandparent celebrations

If you live in the United States you know how we just looooooove to make holidays for everyone, and September 8 is yet another: it’s National Grandparent’s Day! I’m a big fan of celebrating just about anything and anyone, so I’m totally on the Grandparent’s Day train. While looking around for cute ideas for stuff my kid could do for his long-distance grandparents, I realized I don’t know ANYTHING about the origins of the day. Anyone up for a history lesson/craft party? Let’s do it.

Happy Fourth of July: let’s talk about how cool parades are

Happy Fourth of July to all the celebrating Americans out there! Today we thought it’d be fun to throw in a special parade-themed round-up filled with photos from families at parades all over the world. If you’re not American, not celebrating, or not into fireworks.. maybe you’ll like this!

What kind of geek dad do you have? Find him the perfect gift set from Think Geek

I’m pretty stoked that I just found the perfect Father’s Day gift(s) for my dad over on Think Geek, so I thought I’d give y’all a heads-up if you were still looking. Think Geek has these cool Father’s Day gift sets, from Garden Dad, to Star Wars Dad and more! And here’s a special code for a free shipping offer.