Category Archive


Condoms and coercion: a gynecologist searches for good, clean fun

…I was having casual sex, of course I was using condoms, that’s just what one does. Right?

I mean, while it was always my intention to use one, in all honesty, a condom did not always make its way onto a penis prior to its arrival in my vagina.

So, what’s wrong with me? I am a gynecologist! I have a Master’s degree in public health. If ANYONE knows better, it’s me…

It’s not “ruining a diet,” it’s called “living life”

To tell people who are so committed to a part of their lives that it could be in jeopardy from a single hot dog (or an entire plate full of them) is ridiculous. And it’s part of what is wrong with the “diet culture” in our society. It’s not a fucking diet. It’s just life…

How I faced my fear of the dentist: If it works for me (and cats) it can work for you

I’m not just afraid of the dentist. More accurately, I have a “shut down completely, cry when I even THINK about going, prescription drugs are not enough to calm me, once made a dentist too upset to continue working on my mouth, trauma response-level” fear of the dentist. Until this past year, I hadn’t been to the dentist in almost 10 years!

I was recently talking to a friend, who also has a fear of the dentist, and she asked how I conquered my fear and went to the dentist, not once but THREE times this past year. My answer was that I did NOT conquer my fear, but I did do this…

Fake it ’till you make it, unless you’re at the doctor: 7 lessons for the chronically ill

I’ve fallen ill, I guess that’s the word — ill. I’ve fallen worthless is what it feels like. Not that I’m not fabulous on the inside still, I’m awesome, but my body has taken to no longer working, so the fab’s pretty hard to show. Health-wise, a good day is where I’m able to cook a meal and do some dishes, or draw or write, for an hour or two. Many days all I can do is just lie here. This has been such a bizarre experience, but I’ve learned some things along this journey…

#effyourbeautystandards: The number on the scale does NOT define me

This has taken a lot of lady balls to post. But you know what?! #effyourbeautystandards! People may make assumptions about me — the way I dress, the way I carry myself — but let me tell you my story… I have struggled almost my whole life with poor self image. It was a lot worse growing up; it started very young in my pre-teens and it affected everything I saw in the mirror, not just my body. It’s only been in my adult years where I’ve truly started to accept me for me.

5 crucial life lessons I learned from growing up with a nurse as a mother

The lessons I learned from my mom aren’t just about how to cure a sore throat (gargle with warm salty water) or how to ease back pain (alternate warm and cold compresses). Looking back, I see all the crucial lessons for life in general that I learned from growing up with a nurse for a mother.

Scars, costs, and regrets?: My tubal ligation FAQs

A few women have asked me about my tubal ligation, including a couple media outlets like ABC News and Huffington Post. As sterilization with the goal of never reproducing now seems to be a hot topic, I thought I would discuss a few frequently-asked questions. I hope this information helps other women who are thinking of making this decision for themselves.

Why I stopped giving a shit about my size

Why I stopped giving a shit about my size

Just a little over a year ago something shifted in me, it was one of the first things I stopped giving a shit about whilst applying the philosophy of “fuck it“. Health is important to me, don’t get me wrong.  I just really don’t care what size I am, I am SO over wishing I was smaller.