Category Archive


Peanut butter and jelly banana dog

Last week I found myself starving and low on groceries. In a moment of desperate MUST-NOM-NOW-ness, I created this monstrosity, the Peanut Butter & Jelly Banana Dog. The recipe here should be pretty self-explanatory: it’s just a pb&j sandwich on a hot dog bun, with a banana nestled inside.

Make a filing cabinet for your laundry

Our two-adult-one-child household produces a crap-ton of laundry that drove me absolutely insane; there was always a pile in every room, and an absolute mountain of it right there beside our glorious washer and dryer. So, thanks to Pinterest, I got creative.

Wrap your presents in (super adorable!) custom photo wrapping paper

My buddy, Maui photographer Anna Kim, received these gifts from her friend Jeannine and says she was so touched by the wrapping that she hadn’t even opened them! So, of COURSE, I accosted Jeannine to find out the details behind the wrapping paper that just might be better than the gift itself.

Use a magnet to hold a nail in place and save your thumbs

I’m admittedly a little too scared about smashing my thumb when I’m using a hammer and nails. So I’m a lot excited about the ThumbSaver! It’s basically a long magnet that cradles the nail while you go to town on it with a hammer. Of course, if you happen to have a long magnet, that’ll do the same trick!

Use dirty things in your hands to clean your bathroom in 10 seconds.

My quick cleaning tip is that when I’ve finished using a makeup remover wipe I turn it over so the clean side is out and use it to give my bathroom sink a quick wipe out of toothpaste residue/stray hairs/dropped powder from my makeup.

Use Go Plates to comfortably eat at parties

Drinking and nomming while party mingling just got easier with the mother fucking Go Plate.

Chill your drinks with frozen fruit

There’s nothing like an icy drink on a hot day… except when the drink gets all watered down from the ice. A cool trick you can try is to freeze some fresh fruit to chill your drinks.

Water your house plants with bathwater

My son takes a bath every night. Last night, as the tub was draining and I was thinking over my chores I needed to execute that evening (because that’s how I treat my chores: EXECUTION!) I realized that I could kill two birds with one stone and use the lukewarm bathwater to water the houseplants.