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A water birthing story told in photos

It’s totally a cliche, but there’s something about birth photography that makes me quiet. Every time I see photos from a birth — whether it’s an unmedicated home birth or a hospital birth or something in between — I just feel like… I have to respect the awesomeness that is childbirth. It’s a pretty cool thing to do, but not totally unique: everyone who has experienced it shares with millions of people around the world. So in that light, it’s pretty awesome to me that people choose to have their birthing experiences documented: it’s like your way of giving one big tip of your hat to everyone else. Nice.

May the force be with you: Star Wars-themed family photos featuring Leia breastfeeding an Ewok

The title alone should let you know I am obviously in love with these photos: kids and their mom dressed as characters from Star Wars? A nursing Ewok? YOU GUUUUYS. I was mega thrilled when these shots from Ashlynn Imagery popped up in our Flickr pool, and I’m even more excited to share them.

Yep, I’m THAT mom: my story of extended breastfeeding one kid while pregnant with another

My daughter will be two-and-a-half in November. She goes to gymnastics, attends preschool classes, and has been diaper-free for months. She also still nurses. She doesn’t nurse much, and she doesn’t nurse long, but every few hours, up to a few times a day, she will ask for “a quick sip.”

Breastfeeding without the milk (using the Supplemental Nursing System)

I waited for my breasts to change the nine(ish) months I was pregnant — to grow or change in some way. I knew that they didn’t always get larger during pregnancy, but I never really experienced anything at all in the way of breast changes. The only time I remember any breast-related pregnancy symptom was having tender nipples once or twice — it was uncomfortable, but secretly I was cheering on the inside because I was worried about the lack of changes. One more than one occasion I did wonder out loud if I would have milk production issues since my breasts were not showing any indication that they would be up to the task.

Surprisingly and delightfully traditional photos of Pushba

Best as I can decipher, these photos by of Pushba were featured in a Ukrainian gallery in a photography exhibit focused on breastfeeding. While they are indeed lovely photos of Pushba nursing her son, I’m also completely tickled by the more traditional clothing she’s wearing. It’s my beloved freaky Pushba in a floral scarf!

Can I breastfeed if I have nipple piercings?

Jacqueline has taken the piercings out of her nipples, but still has the holes. Since she’s eight months pregnant, she’s wondering — can she breastfeed her baby with pierced nipples?

Help! My nursing bra sucks

Where can one find nursing bras that work for well-endowed mamas?

Pumping and bottle-feeding saved us

Breastfeeding is awesome, but we sucked at it. Here’s how we got past that.