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Shit. I think I may be non-monogamous. Now what?

I can’t deny it. I feel strong pulls to be emotionally, and perhaps down the road, physically involved with other men with whom I’ve developed emotional connections.

I recently told all of this to my husband. He met me with open arms and respects my feelings. But I don’t know how to sort through these feelings I’m having towards a new lifestyle…

When it’s necessary to overrule a child’s “no touching” requests

I am a pediatric nurse, and I was just worrying the other day about the message I was sending to a four-year-old girl during a treatment. She very clearly said “no,” but of course it was necessary for us to treat her (nasal suctioning — totally not fun!).

I would love to hear more suggestions from parents about what works when it is necessary to overrule a child’s wishes about their bodies.

Kids and cultural appropriation v. cultural appreciation: Where’s the line?

After my three-year-old son watched Disney’s Moana and decided he would be Maui when he grows up (be still my heart), I started thinking about cultural appropriation and how to properly frame that for my son as he grows…

Help me out. When does cultural appreciation cross the line into culture appropriation?

How do you handle money and debt in a relationship?

My partner and I are cool with a lot of things, but in certain arenas we just don’t line up. How do you reconcile it when one person in a relationship feels that debt is a sad reality of this modern life, and accepts debt as “just something that happens,” and the other person is more in line with the “DEBT IS AN EMERGENCY” kinda deal?

I’m just curious how people reconcile different attitudes toward saving money.

Can’t touch this: How to maintain personal space while pregnant

I am not generally a hugger. I tend to tense up when someone even reaches in my personal space. And I know when I tell people I’m pregnant they’ll will tend to want to invade my space.

How do I keep this from happening?

How to foster kittens with adult cats in the house

I’ve fostered kitties for over five years now, and have six of my own adult cats. Each adult cat acts their own way towards newbies, but here’s how I have successfully fostered kittens…

Advice to and from moms who (sometimes!) regret having kids

Real talk: Parenting is hard, and there are times when some moms regret having kids. Whether you’re in that position yourself, or have a friend who going through that… here are some great pieces of advice from women who have BEEN THERE. Here’s what moms who have (at one time or another) regretted being moms have to say about moms who regret having kids…

How to balance feminism with pragmatism in household chores

Both my partner and I consider ourselves progressive, feminist individuals. In most things, we are great about ensuring the we are contributing equally. The problem arises when it comes to the domestic sphere…

I don’t want to be responsible for the majority of the domestic chores. At the same time, I don’t think it is very feminist to force someone to do something they hate. Is there some way you have found balance in your relationships?