Do you have stockings to stuff? Do you have eight days of Hannukah presents to buy? Do you have a big family to shop for? I’ve rounded up some of my favorite small gift items, and most of them are under $15!
Get your holiday shopping fingers ready to snag these small gifts that will make a big impact.
(Psst: I made sure that all the Amazon selections were Prime eligible so you can get your giftsies ASAP-sies.)
For the toast lovers: The SpreadTHAT! knife transfers your body heat onto the knife edge to give you a perfectly buttered toast without break-age. They also make an ice cream scoop with the same concept!
I fucking LOVE my kinetic sand! I would also love getting a little kinetic sand to-go too.

Holiday shoppers, stop stressing: Offbeat Home has gotchu covered this year. All this week we'll be bringing you helpful Homie shopping guides. First up: gifts... Read more
Cord organizers are always helpful, and Wrapster cord organizers come in a bunch of different colors to suit everyone’s style.
Great for kids and geeks: Pack a big bunch in a little package with a mini Nerf blaster!
Bandits All-Purpose Rubber Bands are very handy, and come in a set of three for just $7.
Tea infusers make great small gifts, especially if they have as much personality as all these guys.
Octopus + flask = never not awesome. Even better when you gift one of them with their favorite nip of “holiday cheer” included.
Gone are the days when socks were a disappointing gift. Modcloth has tons of super-exciting socks for all!
Everybody poops, we know this. That’s why everybody will find a use for Poo-Pourri. (Trust me, it’s kind of magical.)
The True Utility Keytool is eh-vah-ree-thing: bottle opener, nail file, thread cutter, three screwdrivers, and tweezers.
I’m tickled pink by the GE Smart Bulb that lets you control lighting from an app on your smartphone. It’s like a high-tech Clapper!
Ever see a strainer that you could fit into a stocking before? The Fusionbrands Silicone Food Pod Cooking Basket and Strainer looks like a legless jellyfish, and let’s you simultaneously gather, remove, and drain foods from boiling water or steam without burning fingers. Oh, and you KNOW I already love me some Fushionbrand products.
These chrome animal ring holders are as adorable as they are helpful. They come in cat, bunny, elephant, and giraffe.
Peeps be loving them some bacon. I once gifted the Mo’s Bacon Chocolate Bar to a friend, and she said that it was her FAVORITE Christmas present of all time. Wow. Of course, be careful gifting chocolate in stockings: if they’re hung over a fire, it gets messy. I speak from experience. So hook ’em up with Mo’s Bacon Chocolate Chip Pancake Mix. And then sing this song once they open it.
These are awesome. FYI I just looked at the light bulb and you have to buy a $54 hub to make it work. So only a small gift for someone who already had that set up in their house I guess.
Damn it. Okay, so that’s the stocking stuffer if you actually buy them that hub. FIXED! 😉
Anyone got ideas for little boys (7) who aren’t allowed weapons, aren’t into superheros or dolls, and that I am banned from buying building things for? (Their Legos doth overflow everywhere) I’ve got joke books and gift certificates to an arcade and now I’m at a loss.
Those tea infuses are on everyone else’s list now. Adult shopping done now! Yay!
I’m always a fan of board games, or craft kits. Most commercially made craft kits tend to be super gendered towards girls, so consider making your own: get a plastic tackle box, and hit the craft store/dollar store for things like pom poms, googly eyes, buttons, pipe cleaners, foam sheets, whatever. Include decent glue (a bottle of tacky) and scissors, as well as other fasteners.
“I Spy” books are also great for that age group.
Do they live where there is plenty of snow? Snow toys (crazy carpets, tubes, snowball makers, snow block makers) are great options.
Many stores also carry science kits near the craft kits. Books by Klutz press are also fantastic!
I don’t know why I didn’t think if art supplies. I know they’re constantly getting used up by kids. Maybe I’ll make a coloring book for him to go with. We’re pretty far south so no snow, but those toys kinda make me want to move north to play in it lol
Craft supplies, cars, small plushies, goo (the Kinetic Sand or thinking putty), ingredients for a science experiment, personalized towel, tickets or a handmade coupon for an activity. Ornament for the tree. Sign for their door. Travel games.
The arcade gift cert is our activity out gift. He loves to game with my husband!
Toy cars are great too! They can build lego structures for the cars to drive through and around. I also agree with Mary. Klutz books are amazing, or any sort of crafty mad science kit.
My seven-year-old nephew is very into magic. Maybe there’s some kind of kit for learning some simple tricks? And they might still be a little young for this, but the best stocking stuffer my brother ever got was a learn-to-juggle set.
I’m gonna hit up our local toy stores for magic kits. I know he would love that! Thanks!
I have the Tea Rex infuser! It’s cute but I never use it because it’s a little bit of a pain getting the tea leaves into it and cleaning it out after using it :-/
I totally want the jellyfish thing.
I has 2 of those tea infusers! Win! I agree about the Tea Rex though, it needs a bigger neck hole (sadface).
I need one of those jellyfish in my life though.
Totally just bought the nerf guns for my partner and I. Christmas morning nerf fight!
Ooh, Christmas Nerf fight. Good call.
Constantly tangled earbud cords in my bag packed for my work commute = I just found a stocking stuffer for ME.
No shame in that! I bought myself a couple stocking stuffers too. That guy I married doesn’t think to do stockings. So a bitch has gotta stuff her own shit. 😉
For reals, though, I have bought all of my close friends/family a bottle of Poo Pourri. It’s not “kind of” magical, it is REVOPOOTIONARY. And I totally edited this message for that pun.