By: Beverly & Pack – CC BY 2.0 We are very excited to find out that our little bundle of joy is in fact two! But now that I’m into my second trimester I’m finally over the morning sickness long enough to think about how this is all going to work. We live in a one bedroom condo, and have already decided to renew our lease for another year, as the babies are due right at the end of the current lease.
After some reading I found that for a few weeks having both babies in one crib will work (I’m planning on using a pack and play), but after they start wiggling, it can be dangerous. Any suggestions on finding smaller, budget-friendly cribs? — Jen
We’ve talked about the joys of mini cribs before — do you guys have any other small-space-friendly alternatives?
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Comments on We live in a one bedroom apartment and we’re about to have twins: help?!
Sorry to be the Debby Downer in the One Crib Crowd, but my nine-month-olds have never been able to share a crib. We had every intention of bunking them together until they started to roll but Baby B flails and it was never safe: that kid broke every swaddle we tried and threw the blankets out around her as she fell asleep (so my worry was she’d throw them over her sister’s face). B slept in starfish position, all four limbs straight out.
My advice would be to find the smallest Pack ‘n Plays that you can find that have an insert to raise the baby up–seems like Costco makes some smaller ones. Key: make sure you can wheel them in and out of your bedroom (check the width of your doors!) so you can use your room as a temporary nursery. Newborns sleep through all kinds of things, but if the PnPs have wheels you can wheel the babes into your room for some baby-free peace during the day and wheel them into the living room at night (I’m an advocate of taking breaks where you can find them–we even sent the babies to the nursery at night while I was in the hospital just because it meant I was able to get some half-decent sleep [save for the nursing sessions] before the marathon of life with newborns in the house).
I have no advice for older babies but the PnPs will last long enough for you to get your parenting feet under you and you’ll no doubt come up with a fabulous next-step-up solution.
Sorry to be the Debby Downer in the One Crib Crowd, but my nine-month-olds have never been able to share a crib. We had every intention of bunking them together until they started to roll but Baby B flails and it was never safe: that kid broke every swaddle we tried and threw the blankets out around her as she fell asleep (so my worry was she’d throw them over her sister’s face). B slept in starfish position, all four limbs straight out.
My advice would be to find the smallest Pack ‘n Plays that you can find that have an insert to raise the baby up–seems like Costco makes some smaller ones. Key: make sure you can wheel them in and out of your bedroom (check the width of your doors!) so you can use your room as a temporary nursery. Newborns sleep through all kinds of things, but if the PnPs have wheels you can wheel the babes into your room for some baby-free peace during the day and wheel them into the living room at night (I’m an advocate of taking breaks where you can find them–we even sent the babies to the nursery at night while I was in the hospital just because it meant I was able to get some half-decent sleep [save for the nursing sessions] before the marathon of life with newborns in the house).
I have no advice for older babies but the PnPs will last long enough for you to get your parenting feet under you and you’ll no doubt come up with a fabulous next-step-up solution.
Good luck!