This super cute little dude (named Jasper!) is cool for many reasons: chief among them is that he rocks glasses like nobody’s business.

Photographer Kristin Sweeting met Jasper and his parents recently, and had this to say: “Jasper is a sweet little guy — he loves bubbles, jumping on trampolines, and helping his mom garden. He’s also just been diagnosed with autism, so his parents have been walking through many of the joys and challenges that come with having a child with autism. Their autism playgroup has been a great support.”
My heart… cannot handle… the unbelievable adorableness taking place in this photo.
The shirt can’t help but be SO TRUE.
Don’t forget to check out Kristin’s original blog post for additional images!
Wow, those are stunning photos! I checked out her site and I’m blow away by the contrast and color! She seems to capture all these easily forgotten beautiful moments that now are frozen in time forever! <3
Aw! He is adorable! That gorgeous red hair makes me SO jealous!
A friend saw this in the Offbeat Flikr pool last week and posted it on my Facebook page. When I saw it – both then and now – my heart just jumped for joy!
What a great tribute to Autism Awareness Month, too. Thanks for the midday smile break!
my son was diagnosed with autism when he was 2 1/2… welcome to the journey of a different path.
he is very cute!
bamboletta dolls on facebook made a red headed boy doll with glasses named jasper. was it modeled after your son? it looks just like him! i tried posting a link but it keeps loading to the wrong page. but it is on their wall.
All my love, sweet ginger boy. All of it. <3
I nanny a 6 month old with hair like this, and I am about to marry a red headed guy.
I cannot handle how cute and sweet this little boy is.
I want oneeeeee!!!
*collapses from the cute* Those gorgeous red curls…the dark eyes…
His parents are going to have to beat potential dates off with a stick when he gets older, lol.
Looks like my hubs, glasses and all! I’m seven months pregnant, hoping and praying for a redheaded baby!
Love it – we’ve all got our fingers crossed that my sister (takes after my grandma, aside from non-ginger hair) and her husband (Irish, ginger hair) will finally produce a family ginger baby in September! 🙂
AWWWWW! I wanna be his friend! His look is so neat!
Does anyone else remember the Rugrats? He is Chuckie Finster!
First my son is a red so I’m just a tiny bit (okay super partial) to all red head boys.
Second yes!!!! omg it’s like the cutest real life version of Chuckie Finster! I was totally thinking that too!
Adorbz to the millionth and one power!! I just wanna fluff that mass of red curls!
My son was born with hair like this, but it rapidly fell out and turned blonde 🙁 So jealous of the hair! And look at his flawless skin. So adorable!
Thanks for featuring my pics! I LOVE your blog so much. And this little guy is just as cute in person 🙂
My baby guy is a strawberry babe and what little fuzz he has now seems to be curly like mine, I can only hope that his locks are as lusciousas Jasper’s someday! I love his little glasses, too! I wanna eat him up! Yummo ginger babe!
Love Love Love the red hair! I prayed and hoped for a red headed baby and when my son was born via emergency c-section they finally held him up for me to see him and the first thing I said was “look at all that red hair!” I was so excited. There is just something about a red headed little that melts me. 🙂