How could I not report the birth of my favorite Russian mama’s second child, even if I can’t quite understand the birth story?! From what I can decipher via Google Translator, Pushba gave birth last week to a healthy boy named Alexander (I think?) Elisey via emergency c-section. About his name, Pushba explains:

The child named Elisha
In Russian sounds Elisеy
[nick]name Lis, in english – Foxy

Lis appears to be latching on just fine! If you want to stumble through the unintentional poetry of an online translator, you can run her birth story through a translator.

Comments on Pushba had her baby!

  1. May i just say how much i love that birth stories and pictures effectively bridge culture gaps? melts your heart no matter what language the caption is in

  2. I can never get Google translator to work and I’m dying to read Pushba’s blog. Can anyone walk me through how they do it? I apologize in advance for my lack of tech knowledge.

  3. FINALLY! LOL So glad to see that Pushba & Baby Pushba (habit of my mother’s family to call the baby “Baby (Mother’s first name)”, lol) are doing well 🙂

  4. Holy smokes – I think that the first photo is one of the hottest pictures I have EVER seen! You can just see the passion and support for each other – wow!!

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