I haven’t partaken in Jell-O shots since my college’s annual booze-fueled weeklong party, and then the shots were super unclassy — red and green Jell-O mixed with Hawkeye vodka in sad little Dixie cups. MMM! Not.
I’m grown up now, and though the parties haven’t stopped, the Jell-O shots had. Until I found Michelle Palm’s book Jelly Shot Test Kitchen and her blog at jelly-shot-test-kitchen.blogspot.com.

Michelle and Intern Doug work tirelessly to fill the weeks of the year with posts containing new recipes for and photos of lovely little alcoholic hors d’oerves using lots of different types of booze and huge varieties of shapes and colors.

Last week Michelle even posted a Jell-O shot in honor of the final Harry Potter movie: chocolate frogs.

These are so pretty and delicate — I can’t imagine a party they wouldn’t work for. Even for kids’ parties, I could remove the punch and just serve up pretty little Jell-O sculptures, wiggling and jiggling their way to the table.
I have been using the book since it came out and the shots have been a hit at parties. Strong, but adult and classy. Using the measurements, I have created some of my own favorite drinks in jelled form. I have also branched out into pudding shots (which are freaking amazing with some whipped cream on top)!
I just discovered this site last week while preparing Jell-o shots for my own party (and wondering if we were too old for that). I want to make these sooooo bad.
This is now on my list of MUST BUY BOOKS 😀
Those are brilliant!
Amd a LOT better than dixie cups ha
Have you seen the book Jellymongers? Two good-looking chaps making AMAZING looking gelatin desserts, many with alcohol, some on fire. The photos alone are beautiful. They also give helpful tips on making candy-infused vodka. I couldn’t put it down!
Jello has a great retro feel to it too, from back in the day when everyone though jello was just a hoot. My roommate was given a jello recipe book for parties by her grandma.
The recipes were pretty nasty, but I’m sure if you were throwing a reto-chic dinner party you could think of something just as cute without resorting to jello-creamed herring.
Jello! I love jello. I would probably make these non-alcoholic, but these look awesome!
There’s a lady in Brooklyn who’s mad for Jello molds! http://jellomoldmistress.com/
I wish I had the exacting molds they seem to have, oh well, a bunch of take-out containers will have to do. 🙂
I love the Jelly Shot Test Kitchen! I tried to make the French Lemonade jelly shot that Doug had made in a bundt cake pan, but I didn’t have a bundt cake pan, so I used the swirly top of a giant cupcake pan, and I used pink lemonade instead of the usual yellow. With the swirly shape, Chambord dark raspberry on top and pink on the base, it totally looked like a giant nipple.
But it was delicious and went over well.
These are awesome!!
Oh gods, there’s a website, too?! I’m doomed! A friend of mine found the book a while ago, but she didn’t tell me there was a web address that also had the recipes…
Welp, there goes the rest of my scarce funds! 😉
My husband’s a vegetarian. Is there a good vegetarian substitute for gelatin in these? Anyone know if pectin works?
Oh hey! Jelly Shot Test Kitchen has a link with info!
Good question.
Oh, derp. Right in front of my face. Thanks. 🙂
I’ve also seen jello shots molded in citrus! : http://bit.ly/q7bjcA
LOVE this post! I had never heard of these before, but instantly fell in love with the pictures you featured. Had a long day at work yesterday, so I went home and made my own — DELISH!!!
Oh yeah? Rock on!